Это готика викторины?

Это готика викторины?

Я здесь уже довольно давно, и позвольте мне сказать вам, что самый готический уличный знак — это тот, на котором написано «ВНИМАНИЕ: ВПЕРЕД РАЗБИТЫЕ СЕРДЦА». В нем есть та захватывающая аура меланхолии, которую сможет оценить только настоящий гот.

Подобно тому, как Бэйн, второй по популярности злодей-гот, однажды сказал Бэтмену, самому готическому супергерою: «Ты просто принял тьму; она меня вскормила», я хотел бы смиренно выразить, что я погрузился в я довольно глубоко погружен в жуткую альтернативную культуру. Моя свадьба состоялась на Хэллоуин, а наш кот — житель кладбища Hollywood Forever. Я питаю слабость к «Королеве Проклятых», не совсем без искренности!

все можно отнести к готике, панку или металлу. Это похоже на то, как люди часто говорят, что у девушек черты лица кошачьи, собачьи или птичьи. Для иллюстрации давайте рассмотрим болезни. Туберкулез соответствует категории готики, учитывая его мрачную и загадочную природу. Геморрагическая лихорадка подпадает под металлическую из-за ее интенсивных и крайних характеристик. Что касается гангрены, то это панк из-за ее жестких и непредсказуемых ассоциаций, таких как риск наступить на ржавый гвоздь на выставке в подвале DIY. Эта категоризация распространяется на различные аспекты жизни: элементы (свинец — это готика, тогда как другие тяжелые металлы — это металл), архитектура, способы передвижения и даже доисторические существа (стегозавр — панк из-за его пластин, похожих на ирокезов). В День готики Vulture мы приглашаем вас пройти главный тест на готику и посмотреть, какое место вы вписываете в эту уникальную систему классификации.

Is trivia goth?

Correct! Knowing things is very dark academia, and being insufferable about knowing things is downright Byronic.

Incorrect. Knowing things is very dark academia, and being insufferable about knowing things is downright Byronic.

Which celebrity Erewhon smoothie is the most goth?

Correct! Kourtney’s smoothie includes activated charcoal, the most goth bullshit health food on the market.

Sorry, but Kourtney’s smoothie includes activated charcoal, the most goth bullshit health food on the market.

If, as previously stated, Bane is the second-most goth Batman villain, who is the first?

Correct. Joker and Poison Ivy are punk (pop punk and eco-anarchist, respectively). Killer Croc is the most metal of the rogues’ gallery. Penguin, especially the Tim Burton version, is a pale outcast who thinks wearing stripes can make him seem cool.

Nope. Joker and Poison Ivy are punk (pop punk and eco-anarchist, respectively). Killer Croc is the most metal of the rogues’ gallery. Penguin, especially the Tim Burton version, is a pale outcast who thinks wearing stripes can make him seem cool.

Fork, knife, spoon — which is goth?

Exactly. Knives are metal, and spoons are folk punk (especially if they’re made of wood). Forks can be used to simulate vampire-bite marks on your neck. And they’re featured prominently in The Little Mermaid. We all know the goth/Disney adult overlap is strong.

Wrong. Knives are metal, and spoons are folk punk (especially if they’re made of wood). Forks can be used to simulate vampire-bite marks on your neck. And they’re featured prominently in The Little Mermaid. We all know the goth/Disney adult overlap is strong.

Follow up: What’s the most goth classic Disney movie?

Kissing a dead girl? C’mon.

Nope, it’s Snow White. Kissing a dead girl? C’mon.

As we all know, the Twilight Saga bridges the gap between goth and emo. But which Twilight movie is the most goth?

Correct. Bella saves the day by trying to sacrifice herself, which is pretty goth.

Sorry, but it has to be Eclipse. Bella saves the day by trying to sacrifice herself, which is pretty goth.

Most goth French fry?

Right, because that’s what they serve at Denny’s at 3 a.m. after a Siouxsie and the Banshees cover show.

Wrong. It’s seasoned fries, because that’s what they serve at Denny’s at 3 a.m. after a Siouxsie and the Banshees cover show.

How does a goth dress their windows?

Right. Velvet curtains would be nice, but perpetual darkness takes precedent.

Wrong! Perpetual darkness trumps all.

Are Esports goth?

Yes. Because they’re not really sports. And they’re a classic indoor-kid activity. And some of their biggest matches take place in the most goth resort on the Las Vegas Strip, the tomb-themed, actually haunted Luxor.

Actually, yes they are. Because they’re not really sports. And they’re a classic indoor-kid activity. And some of their biggest matches take place in the most goth resort on the Las Vegas Strip, the tomb-themed, actually haunted Luxor.

Is Las Vegas goth?

Correct. Despite having a preponderance of magicians (goth occupation), Las Vegas is too hot and lawless to be truly goth.

Wrong. Despite having a preponderance of magicians (goth occupation), Las Vegas is too hot and lawless to be truly goth.

Is stand-up comedy goth?

Yes, but many stand-ups think they’re punk. Sad.

Actually, it is, but many stand-ups think they’re punk. Sad.

What’s the most goth street sign?

Correct. It’s the sign with the most BDSM overtones.

Wrong. Yield is the sign with the most BDSM overtones.

Of all the people fictionalized in Saturday Night, who was the most goth?

Right. Dan Aykroyd will tell you about his paranormal investigations or his skull-shaped vodka at the drop of a hat.

No, it’s Dan Aykroyd, who will tell you about his paranormal investigations or his skull-shaped vodka at the drop of a hat.

What’s the most goth movie of 1999?

Correct. All these movies are goth, but it’s The Matrix, for the fits alone.

Sorry, all these movies are goth, but it’s The Matrix, for the fits alone.

Who was America’s most goth president?

Correct. Openly depressed, dumb hat, a little fruity, theatergoer, often found at Disneyland.

Wrong! It’s Abraham Lincoln. Openly depressed, dumb hat, a little fruity, theatergoer, often found at Disneyland.

Theda Bara vs. Angelina Jolie: Who is more goth?

Yep. Theda Bara’s image was an act she resented. No studio told Jolie to do the blood-vial thing.

Nope. Theda Bara’s image was an act she resented. No studio told Jolie to do the blood-vial thing.

Who is the most goth author?

Yes. Everyone else wrote gnarly fiction, but only Mary Shelly (allegedly) lost her v-card on her mother’s grave and kept her late husband’s mummified heart.

No, everyone else wrote gnarly fiction, but only Mary Shelly (allegedly) lost her v-card on her mother’s grave and kept her late husband’s mummified heart.

What is the most goth year?

Correct. 1813, a.k.a. “The Year Without a Summer.” 33 AD is the most metal year (death of Christ, plus any year with three or fewer digits is in the metal epoch). And 1977 is the most punk year.

Nope. It’s 1813, a.k.a. “The Year Without a Summer.” 33 AD is the most metal year (death of Christ, plus any year with three or fewer digits is in the metal epoch). And 1977 is the most punk year.

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2024-08-21 19:54