73 монологи Оскара и первые цифры, от худших до лучших

Первоначально эта часть появилась до Оскара 2018 года. Позже были сделаны обновления для включения последующих церемоний наград Академии.

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В настоящее время «Оскар» напоминает стареющую серию фильмов, которые, несмотря на различные попытки и инновационные стратегии, изо всех сил пытаются восстановить свой прежний успех блокбастера в кассах.

За последние несколько лет все было тяжело для фильмов и их приемных комиссий, с рейтингами для ежегодных наград, показывающих снижение в течение нескольких десятилетий. Расширение кандидатов на лучшую картину до десяти не улучшила ситуацию. Движение #oscarssowhite и последующие усилия по восстановлению организации были встречены со смешанными реакциями. Они привлекли Джимми Киммел в качестве хозяина, только для того, чтобы принять решение против того, чтобы в течение нескольких лет выбирал хозяина — неразумное решение по программированию, на мой взгляд. Чтобы добавить к неприятностям, наступила пандемия, за которой последовали два лучших победителя, чьи кассовые сборы были почти незначительными.

Уме ли Оскару восстановить самообладание? Время покажет. В прошлом году рейтинги немного выросли из -за двух успешных фильмов в споре — Оппенгеймер (фронт -бегун) и Барби. Ожидаемый выпуск Wicked, который собрал 475 миллионов долларов в Северной Америке, может привлечь некоторых зрителей. Тем не менее, маловероятно, что это выиграет лучшую картину. Кроме того, последствия разрушительных пожаров в Л.А. несколько месяцев назад, которые повлияли на жизнь многих работников отрасли, могут по -прежнему разыгрываться тенью.

В воскресенье вечером Конан О’Брайен дебютирует в качестве хозяина, стремясь оживить и поднять мероприятие своим уникальным стилем. Для тех, кто следит за Оскаром, они могут ожидать приблизительно 8-10 минут комедийных комментариев к фильмам этого года и усеянными звездами («Дамы и джентльмены, Мерил Стрип…»), возможно, даже включают в себя смех через предварительно записанные сегменты. Он берет на себя мантию прошлых выдающихся хозяев, таких как Боб Хоуп, Джонни Карсон, Джон Стюарт, Крис Рок, и ориентируется на богатый традициям открывающий монолог, который охватывает более 70 лет успехов и ошибок.

Список, который следит за тем, чтобы вступить в начальные сегменты по порядку от наименее благоприятных до самых приятных, наполненных многочисленными юмористическими моментами. Иногда Оскар выбирал нетрадиционные отверстия; Для этого анализа я сосредоточился на событиях до первой презентации наград.

Итак, вот и мы! Конверт, пожалуйста:

73. 2013 (85 -й Оскар) Хост: Сет Макфарлейн

Оскары 2013 года были особенно унылыми. Хозяин не доставил, и казалось, что такие неотразимые фильмы, как «Жизнь Пи», «Ноль темный тридцать», «амур» и «Звери южной дикой природы» были омрачены менее влиятельным «Арго». Этот фильм, который, по сути, был незначительным аспектом давнего геополитического кризиса, поддерживаемого США, получил признание. Истинная история, стоящая за этим, была настолько тусклой, что режиссер Бен Аффлек должен был преувеличивать напряжение, как надуманная сцена спасения самолета в конце.

Проще говоря, у нас был хост от Maxim, Сет Макфарлейн, чья производительность не была хорошо принята многими зрителями.

Это утверждение имеет несколько объяснений. Одна из причин из того, что большинство его шуток упали. Поднимая метод Даниэля Дэй-Льюиса, выступая в роли Линкольна, он задал вопрос: «Если бы вы столкнулись с Дон Чидл на съемочной площадке, вы бы попытались освободить его?» Ссылаясь на Джанго Unchained, он прокомментировал: «По сути, это« человек, стремящийся спасти свою женщину, которая перенесла невыразимую жестокость. Или, как Крис Браун и Рианна могли бы его завершить, романтическая прогулка ». Зачем Рианна относиться к этому?

Во время танцевальной интерлюдии Шарлиз Терон и Ченнинг Татум выступают вместе, в то время как Сет Макфарлейн Серенад «Как ты выглядишь сегодня вечером», напоминает элегантность, демонстрируемая Фредом Астером и Джинджер Роджерс в свои дни. Тем не менее, Татум и Терон быстро отошли от такой благодати, демонстрируя более шумный стиль. В другой танцевальной последовательности к Макфарлейну присоединяются Джозеф Гордон-Левитт и Даниэль Рэдклифф, создавая электрифицирующую энергию, которая конкурирует с харизмой некоторых ранних речей.

После видеочата с Уильямом Шатнером в роли капитана Кирка, предположительно из будущего, Макфарлейн играет свою песню «Я видел твои сиськи». В мелодии много актрис, которые появились обнаженными в фильмах. Это могла быть возможностью прокомментировать двойные стандарты и эксплуатацию женщин в кино, но вместо этого это просто хихиканье. Сет Макфарлейн, вы видели грудь Джоди Фостер в «Обвиняемом», потому что ее персонаж был изнасиловался. У капитана Кирка было одно очко: вы были худшим хозяином Оскара в истории премии Оскар.

72. 2011 (83 -й Оскар) хозяева: Джеймс Франко и Энн Хэтэуэй


Хэтэуэй часто получает более благоприятную критику, хотя я понимаю, что она обожается, но позвольте мне уточнить, ни один из них не превосходит значительно. Франко кажется неискренним, если он не занят, и хотя Хэтэуэй добавляет немного сперма, большинство ее шуток упали. Вступительный монолог для Оскара стал рекордным четыре минуты ужина.

В этом сценарии мать Хэтэуэя призывает ее выпрямить и слегка выдувать грудь, как она взволнованно объявляет: «Стивен Спилберг присутствует!

71. 1974 (46 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Берт Рейнольдс

Еще в 1970 -х годах Оскар иногда делал необычный поворот. Сегодня вечером нас угощают выбором номинированных песен. Предложения кино в этом году являются исключительными, в которых участвуют такие фильмы, как «Стинг», «Экзорцист», «Американские граффити», «Последняя деталь», «Пейпинная луна» и не забывая «Последнее танго в Париже». После этого есть семиминутное танцевальное представление Лизы Миннелли. Закон завершается двумя короткими сценами. В первом она возвращается к своей лучшей актрисовой номинации на «Стерильную кукушку» … и во втором она вспоминает свою победу за «Кабаре». Несмотря на то, что она была известной звездой, выступление Миннелли было встречено с некоторыми проблемами.

Во -первых, мы сталкиваемся с Бертом Рейнольдсом, неожиданным хозяином перед Джеймсом Франко. Выходящая часть здесь, безусловно, стоит посмотреть,-это изумительный коллаж, примерно в 20-минутной точке, напоминающий катушку Оскара. Однако остальное состоит в основном из Берта Рейнольдса, который тогда был известен своим актерским мастерством в стиле Элвиса Пресли в цепочке необъяснимых популярных фильмов, таких как «Гатор» и «Хупер». Рейнольдс, кажется, находится в центре внимания хомяка. Большая часть спектакля вращается вокруг его путаницы, а также в академии, относительно его присутствия там.

Типичная строка: [дует Raspberry.] «Если вы хотите изысканности, поговорите с Дэвидом Нивеном».

низкая точка: «Я люблю название Стинг. Это напоминает мне о старых армейских фильмах ».

Политика: [Наблюдая за тем, чтобы Марлон Брандо, Роберт Редфорд и другие отсутствовали на этом мероприятии.

70. 1988 (60 -й Оскар) хозяин: Chevy Chase

Как энтузиаст кино, я обнаружил, что выбираю сольную сцену в этом году, после того, как в прошлый раз поделился хостингом. Нарисовать вещи на красной ковровой дорожке было немного тихо, с юмором. Однако, как только началось шоу, все начало собирать только Smidgen. В этом году ознаменовала эпоху необычных фильмов, таких как «Последний император» Бертолуччи, который охватил все девять категорий, на которые он был номинирован, наряду с фатальной достопримечательностью и Уолл -стрит. Чтобы подготовить почву, был вступительный клип, который продемонстрировал различные сделки, участвующие в кинопроизводстве с помощью быстрых, юмористических пародий. Музыка набухала, и, узнав мелодию, я понял, что это «я надеюсь, что я ее получу» от линии припева — число, которое мы недавно видели, ожившие на большом экране, за которым последовало энергетическое танцевальное исполнение, которое оставило нас всех подбадривающих!

Вечер, кажется, что вы все претенденты из Голливуда, замечания Chase. Учитывая продолжающуюся забастовку, его шутки в основном сосредоточены вокруг нее: «Весь мой монолог был щедро предоставлен пятью профсоюзными работниками.

Вместо этого можно перефразировать это утверждение следующим образом: если нет, бывшая живая звезда «Субботняя ночь» выглядит особенно горькой: «Критики — необычная группа. Это похоже на то, как родитель говорит:« Когда вы вырастете, я хочу, чтобы вы провели большую часть своего времени, смотря на фильмы, а затем я хочу, чтобы вы зарабатывали на жизнь тем, что они критикуют эти фильмы, сказав, насколько они плохи. Мудрость моей карьеры.

Как энтузиаст фильма, я бы сказал: «Вот я, в сопровождении акушера Гленна Клоуса, на случай, если возникнут какие -либо неожиданные кинематографические моменты.

Департамент избитых лошадей: «Мы размышляли о предоставлении награды для главного критика кино, но, увы, мы не могли найти кого -либо квалификации». [Аудитория аплодирует.]

69. 1989 (61 -й Оскар)

Это открытие Оскара напоминает «План 9 из космоса» в его устойчивой криквортности, и я рад поделиться тем, что он не потерял свою неловкость с течением времени. Мы сталкиваемся с армией Аршердом, обозревателем -ветераном из разнообразия, стоящим возле аудитории. Он общается с молодой актрисой, у которой раздражающе пронзительно пронзительный голос. Кажется, она стремится к славе в Голливуде. Арчерд направляет ее внутрь, и она пытается приветствовать нескольких звезд на своем пути, которые делают все возможное, чтобы отмахиваться от нее. Далее следует самый причудливый момент в истории Оскара — 11 -минутное музыкальное представление, которое можно сравнить только с опытом, который можно было бы получить после употребления экстази и выпить воду Старой Голливудской зубной протезы, смешанной с высоким стаканом воды.

Проблемы возникают в основном из -за нескольких сомнительных вариантов, сделанных производителем Алланом Карром. Одним из этих решений было присвоение концепций и исполнителей из пляжного одеяла Вавилона, в вдохновленной Сан-Франциско-театральной труппой Вегаса, известной своей случайной атмосферой и негабаритным головным убором. Тем не менее, очарование этих элементов разбавляется, когда представлено в глобальном масштабе. Более того, Карр решил показать множество звезд из -за давного времени (таких как Дороти Ламур и Рой Роджерс) в импровизированной обстановке ночного клуба Кокосовой рощи. К сожалению, большинство из этих исполнителей кажутся не только неуместными, но и с состраданием, кажется, они были вырваны из своих домов на пенсии.

Позже Мерв Гриффин появляется, исполнив «У меня прекрасная куча кокосовых орехов». Этот момент может оставить озадаченным, когда они вспоминают прошлое Гриффина в ночном клубе Grove, где он пел эту мелодию. Тем не менее, может показаться недоумением связать такое выступление с Белоснежным или кино в целом.

В более простых терминах аналогия Белоснежки, используемая в BBB (ссылка на конкретное производство) хорошо работает в его сюрреалистическом контексте, но она становится менее подходящей при применении к реальному событию фильма. Белоснежка не была актрисой; Она была вымышленным персонажем, и это две разные роли. Кроме того, я еще не обсудил танцующие таблицы, Роб Лоу (который был классно молодым ведущим в огне Святого Эльмо) или их исполнение «Гордая Мэри» в этом контексте.

Последняя часть демонстрирует удивительное зрелище того, что кажется самой замечательной вавилонской шляпой, но ее личность остается неопределенной для зрителей. Когда Лили Томлин делает свой вход, она, кажется, бросает обувь, спуская лестницу; Было ли это намеренно для комического эффекта, дискуссионно.

Но есть еще одна удивительная вещь в этом открытии. Это на самом деле становится хуже.

Ричард Кан, руководитель по маркетингу, который тогда был президентом Академии, встает дальше, повторяя серию звуков, которые мы уже слышали примерно 60 раз: «Признание исключительных достижений кинофильма за год …» и так далее. Он сообщает нам, что трансляция будет транслироваться в 91 странах, отмечая свою первую в мире показ в СССР. Многие зрители, вероятно, оказались ошеломленными, наблюдая за экраном.

Затем Кан вводит некоторую звездную силу. Держись за шляпы, это … Том Селлек!

Оказалось, что Селлек в то время был довольно популярен, только что из -за успеха «Три мужчины и ребенка» — эквивалент «змей на самолете» в свое время — вместе с Тедом Дэнсоном и Стивом Гуттенбергом. Он прибыл с необычной причесок, так же большим, как голливудский знак, удивительно разъясняя, что он не хозяин. Он продолжал объяснять тонкости шоу Оскара, которые, как мы не поняли, необходимым объяснением! На протяжении всей своей речи играла фоновая музыка, напоминающая музыку, используемую, чтобы ускорить длинных получателей наград с сцены. (Уверяю вас, это не преувеличено.)

Эта вступительная сцена на церемонии Оскара оказалась необычайно спорной и устойчивой. Попада продолжались в течение многих месяцев, кульминацией которого стало юридическое вызов Диснея против шоу. Аргумент, вынесенный адвокатами академии, заключался в том, что Белоснежка, как персонаж из общественного достояния, не был защищен законами об авторском праве (хотя спор, сосредоточенный вокруг конкретного изображения Белоснежки из самого фильма).

В этот момент члены Академии могли надеяться на некоторое отвлечение от скандала с Диснеем. Их пожелания, казалось, были удовлетворены, когда несколько месяцев спустя стала общественным знанием. Тем не менее, ситуация была смешанным благословением для Лоу: с одной стороны, его карьера в кино нанесла удар из -за выпуска ленты; С другой стороны, он снимал его в Грузии, штате, где посещение знаменитостей не было незаконным, чтобы записаться, занимаясь сексом с 16-летними из местных мест.

68. 1958 (30 -й Оскар)

Сегодня вечером, повозка, отец знает лучше, и Крафт Театр не будет транслироваться в их типичные часы …

Джордж Стивенс, директор Swing Time, Shane и Giant, а также трехкратный лауреат премии «Лучший режиссер», был главой Академии. Он объявил, что шоу не будет иметь коммерческих перерывов — то, что мы определенно могли бы использовать сегодня. Кроме того, он объяснил, что рядом с каждой презентацией награды был установлен павильон, созданный рядом с сценом для репортеров, фотографов и мужчин из свистовки. Джимми Стюарт, звезда, способная заполнить экран Cinemascope, даже когда лежал, был введен. В течение всего вечера присутствовало несколько полуофициальных хозяев, но вступительного монолога не было.

67. 1963 (35 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Фрэнк Синатра


1963 год отмечает необыкновенный год, когда Дэвид Лин заявил о своей второй лучшей победе в «Лоуренсе Аравии», а также «чтобы убить пересмешника» и «кандидат от манчарского языка». Ночь начинается с выступления «сегодня вечером» с победителя предыдущего года «Вестсайдская история». Когда шоу подходит к концу, мы обнаруживаем, что Фрэнк Синатра — наш хозяин! Поступит одно из самых необычных отверстий Оскара за всю историю. Протоколы простираются, когда Синатра размышляет о Моне Лизе («Она просто сидит там и улыбается!»), Леонардо да Винчи, и как лучшее искусство отражает личное видение. Если бы да Винчи сегодня был в Голливуде, продюсер мог бы настаивать на добавлении таких элементов, как «Живая коктейльная вечеринка с некоторым гламуром и стилем!

Мы, безусловно, согласны с ним, но его подход можно воспринимать как чрезмерно агрессивные, длинные, несколько высокомерные и утомительные. Чтобы выразить это в современных терминах, он мог бы напоминать Канье к западу от своей эпохи. До того, как очаровательные Шелли Уинтерс объявили о первой награде, давайте воздержимся от шуток. Она шутит, «де Густибус», что, как я полагаю, переводится как «спасибо» на латыни. Это правдоподобно, что она игриво издевается над тем, что Синатра бродят. Фрэнк отвечает: «Я проконсультируюсь с моим фармацевтом» и уходит, оставляя медведя горячим на его пятках.

66. 2021 (93 -й Оскар)

Ведущий: Регина Кинг

Из -за пандемии все испытывают беспокойство, и Оскар не менее обеспокоен — церемония награждения была отложена до апреля! Мероприятие начинается с потрясающего короля Regina в просторном месте на открытом воздухе, вероятно, служит социальным расстоянием. Она поднимает статую Оскара со стола и продолжает ходить с ней. В сопровождении тяжелого каменного ритма, она шагает в помещении во временную обстановку ужина. Здесь всего лишь несколько сотен человек сидят за соответствующим образом расположенными столами на многоуровневых платформах. Эта установка далека от кинематографической; Это больше похоже на неподходящую сцену для телевидения.

Да, шоу оказывается в довольно сложной ситуации; Это могло бы принести пользу, приглашая известного комика поднять настроение среди растущих погибших в ковиде. Однако, как правило, это не так, как в Академии обстоят дела. Вместо этого Кинг начинает приглушенным образом, но затем смещает фокус, обращаясь к недавнему вердикту в случае Джорджа Флойда из Миннеаполиса. Вовлеченный офицер был признан виновным всего за несколько дней до ее выступления. Кинг выражает, что она была готова обменять свои каблуки на марширующие ботинки. Впоследствии она обсуждает свой личный опыт как матери черного сына.

В настоящее время ясно, что этот вечер не будет заполнен развлечением. Затем Кинг начала обсуждать свой фильм, который выдвигается в трех категориях. За этим ориентированным моментом последовало обширное краткое изложение мер безопасности события в отношении масок. Несмотря на то, что он талантливая актриса, Кинг не идеален как хозяин для престижного события, такого как Оскар. Следовательно, награды Академии увидели рекордные рейтинги.

65. 2012 (84 -й Оскар) хозяин: Билли Кристал

В этом году «Художник» выделяется как лучшая картина, с такими фильмами, как «Хьюго», «Древо жизни» и «Moneyball», не принимая домой награду. Академия, кажется, отправляет сообщение. В то время как «речь короля», прошлогодний победитель, заработал 140 миллионов долларов в кассах, она все еще не была огромной суммой для 2010 -х годов. «Художник», черно-белый фильм, который был бы на французском языке, если бы он имел какой-либо диалог, заработал 32 миллиона долларов по состоянию на неделю награждения и станет вторым самым низким победителем лучшего в последнее время, превзойдя только «Hurt Locker» с двух лет назад и превзошел бы «аварий», который выиграл шесть лет назад. В последующие годы, доходы от кассовых сборов упали еще дальше, что сделало «художника» в настоящее время пятым самым страшным победителем лучшей картины.

Другими словами, Билли Кристал возвращается в девятый раз на мероприятии, после десятилетнего перерыва. Предыдущие хозяева, такие как Крис Рок и Джон Стюарт, в то же время вступили во владение, что делает акт Билли немного устаревшим. Он в шутку называет себя «военной лошадью», ссылаясь на недавний фильм Стивена Спилберга. Аудитория молчит с ожиданием. К сожалению, Crystal продолжает быть чрезмерно самореференциальным. Он начинает петь свой знаменитый «Оскар! Оскар!» Настройтесь, но потом прерывает себя, чтобы сказать: «Разве вы не думали, что я бы этого не сделал?

Для художника его единственный комментарий в том, что если он победит, он скажет «Большое спасибо». War Horse просто заявляет: «Конечно, лошадь, конечно, лошадь». Действительно, это очевидно.

По моему скромному мнению, фильмы всегда служили нашим святилищем. Это те места, на которые мы стекаются, где мы можем смеяться, пролить слезы, размышлять и даже писать наши чувства — все без суждения. На этот раз это «изменение времени», которые приглашают нас испытать жизнь с новой точки зрения.

В мелодии для фильма «Потомки» с участием Джорджа Клуни можно было бы намекнуть: «Возможно, Оскар может почтить Джорджа сегодня вечером!

64. 1986 (58 -й Оскар) Хозяева: Джейн Фонда и Алан Альда

В этот период Фонда занимала престижную позицию в Голливуде, имея два собственных Оскара. С другой стороны, Альда был преимущественно признан за свою работу в адаптации Нила Саймона, только что из последнего эпизода культового сериала m*a*s*h, хотя фильм «Преступления и проступки» появятся через несколько лет. Обсуждаемый год был отмечен несколькими запоминающимися фильмами, такими как Purple, Purple, Sitember, Cocoon и Back to the Future. Это оставило аудиторию изо всех сил пытаться определить любой фильм, достойный такой награды.

Юмор года одинаково соответствует хозяевам и их выходкам, поскольку Фонда отмечает, что с настройками зрителей миллиард, они требуют, чтобы Робин Уильямс шагнул вперед, чтобы доставить сообщения на нескольких языках. Вещи проходят гладко, пока они не достигнут Филиппин, где Уильямс принимает активную акцентированную торговую обувь по половине цены. Это запускает массовый фестиваль смеха! Поскольку филиппинцы продают обувь, это веселое прикосновение! Альда не может перестать смеяться. Затем дуэт выполняет пародию о принятии Оскара. Великий финал — это когда они просят кандидатов встать …

Эта версия поддерживает оригинальный тон и смысл, делая его более читабельным и простым для понимания для более широкой аудитории.

… И это большое волнение!

Президент академии Роберт Уайз, прославленный тем, что руководил такими фильмами, как «Звук музыки» и «История Вестсайд», поделился своими мыслями о академии. Его речь завершилась после этого.

63. 1976 (48 -й Оскар) хозяева: Уолтер Маттау, Роберт Шоу, Джордж Сегал, Голди Хоун и Джин Келли


Теперь мы вошли в эпоху 70 -х годов. Первоначальный парад подозреваемых представляет довольно много неожиданных достопримечательностей с проблесками Элизабет Тейлор; Чарльз Бронсон и Джилл Ирландия; Марго Хемингуэй; О.Дж. Симпсон, известный как исключительный актер и спортсмен в то время; и Одри Хепберн, которая казалась молодой и недавно вернулась из Европы. Такие слова, как «непареил» и «Гамин», тогда обычно использовались в СМИ, но вы их больше не слышите.

1975 год станет исключительным годом для кино! Лучшие кандидаты, когда они оцениваются на основе только качества, возможно, являются одними из самых сильных составов за всю историю: «один пролетел над гнездом кукушки», «Челюсти», «Нэшвилл», «Барри Линдон» и «День собаки». (Примечательные упоминания идут на «Шампунь», «Томми» и «Человек, который был бы королем», которые не были номинированы, но все же заслуживают того, чтобы смотреть. Интересно, Чарльз Чамплин из Los Angeles Times написал перед церемонией, что «это не просто плохой год для фильмов; это был ужасный. В главной роли не кто иной, как Рэй Болгер, ведущий все более сложную танцевальную последовательность прямо возле зала. Болгер, танцовщик -ветеран, который сыграл чучело в «Волшебнике Оз» почти четыре десятилетия назад, был возвращен на этот особый случай.

Мелодия кажется несколько неочищенным, и Болгеру требуется длительный период, чтобы уточнить предстоящую церемонию награждения, которая произойдет в павильоне Дороти Чендлер, расположенной в музыкальном центре в Лос -Анджелесе. Есть много жестких изображений о том, что он ездит на автомобиле с многочисленными людьми, одетыми в костюмы, шумные вокруг него. Пиковой момент песни — это когда … вы можете ясно визуализировать это сейчас.

просто следуй за мной
И вы увидите
Как Голливуд
Честные свои собственные!

В конце концов, каждый танцор находит свой путь в помещении, а пожилой болгель напрягается, чтобы идти в ногу. Позже, президент академии Уолтер Мириш подробно говорил, заканчивая: «Мы отдаем дань нашей нации и нашим фильмам, за сильную нацию, как большое произведение искусства, может выдержать как с течением времени, так и внимания». (Это можно рассматривать как тонкое политическое заявление, учитывая, что оно было близко к выборам 1976 года.)

В более простых терминах он представляет Уолтера Маттау, который разделяет некоторые умные замечания, смешивая прикосновение Шекспира и термин «Demurred», и описывает руководящие принципы процесса голосования Академии.

62. 2022 (94 -й Оскар)

Хозяева: Регина Холл, Ванда Сайкс и Эми Шумер

Ну, вот я, укрытый среди блеска и гламура Оскара. Это не кто иной, как Регина Холл, ведущий обвинение, в сопровождении Ванды Сайкс и Эми Шумер, которые готовы поделиться своим острым остроумием и проницательным комментарием к нашему миру и этой самой отрасли, которую мы называем шоу -бизнесом. Тем не менее, кажется, что они взяли обход в пути, так как путешествие к их изюминкам кажется немного длинным.

Следующим образом Sykes в столь же уставшем наблюдении: «Где любители фильмов объединяются, чтобы смотреть телевизор».

На третьей строке Шумер утверждает, что «в этом году академия экономично нанимает трех женщин, а не одного мужчины в качестве хозяев». Хотя это, возможно, изначально вызвало переполох, кажется, что шанс для чего -то более эффективного был пропущен.

Втроемные стойки сгрудились, испаряя свои линии от простых, и их попытки юмора падают. Их комедийные процедуры кажутся вынужденными. Многие из шуток чрезмерно очевидны. В какой -то момент они повторяют слово «гей» примерно в 50 раз как удар по Флориде.

Остальная часть шоу была довольно скучной; Их нечастые сцены, такие как неловкий сегмент, где они подарили своеобразные подарки некоторым зрителям, были довольно неловкими и трудно следовать. Эта церемония Оскара, скорее всего, запомнится как одна из наименее эффективных, пока Крис Рок не пошутил о прически Джада Пинкетт Смит.

61. 1966 (38 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Боб Хоуп


Впервые мы видим цвет! Необыкновенная сцена отражает гражданскую деятельность Санта -Моники, переходящую от черно -белого к ярким оттенкам. Прибытия выделяются с участием Джули Кристи; Линда Берд Джонсон в сопровождении неожиданного партнера Джорджа Гамильтона; трагическая Натали Вуд; Ширли Маклейн и ее брат Уоррен Битти. (Через десятилетия, когда Битти «Небеса» могут подождать принести ему номинации в четырех категориях, но нет побед, Маклейн, со сцены, шутки: «Я хочу взять этот момент, чтобы выразить свою гордость за моего маленького брата — моего дорогого, талантливого брата. Представьте, что он может достичь, если он попытался противостоять».)

Эта версия поддерживает сущность оригинала, упрощая и делает ее более доступной для более широкой аудитории.

Наш добрый хозяин — надежда. Стадия Оскара в этом году экстравагантна, может похвастаться фонтанами и напоминает комнату Lloyd Bridges ‘Rumpus. Тем не менее, вода должна была быть отключена для шоу из -за шума. Надежда советует присутствующим, чтобы обратить внимание на роуминг -камеры среди толпы. «Если у вас есть зуд, просто игнорируйте его!» Монолог не особенно запоминающийся, но Хоуп, как обычно, обеспечивает свои линии, за которым следует заморозить его лицо и взглянуть в пустое пространство — его интерпретация медленного ожога: «Вот сегодня звезды … и политики завтрашнего дня». Забытый артист, Джордж Мерфи, недавно был избран сенатором из Калифорнии. Как однажды сказал Спирод Скоурас, «нет неверующих на ночь наград Академии.

Я не могу сравниться с навыками питья Ли Марвина, я не могу сделать звуки, как Род Штейгер, у меня нет четкой речи Оливье, и по сравнению с Бертоном, я существенно борюсь!

Джордж Гамильтон прибыл в сопровождении элегантно перемещенного компаньона. Если все пойдет по плану, он потенциально может стать вторым Гамильтоном, проживающим в Белом доме.

60. 1993 (65 -й Оскар) хозяин: Билли Кристалл

1993 год знаменует собой прибытие «Непрощающегося», «Плачущей игры» и «Несколько хороших мужчин» — удивительно, во время того, что должно было быть «Год женщины» Оскара. В юмористическом обратном вызове к их предыдущему сотрудничеству в «Городских пятницах» Кристал появляется с Джеком Палансом, который на этот раз тянет статую Оскара вместо лошади. Паланс исполняет несколько однорубивших отжиманий, напоминающих о своей сентиментальной победе с лучшим актером, лучшим актером на последней церемонии. Затем Кристал доставляет свою удаленную шутку.

Как энтузиаст фильма, я не могу не заметить, что большая часть этого монолога вращается вокруг очаровательного фильма «Плачущая игра». Персонаж Кристал, кажется, обладает довольно ловкостью для плетения юмора вокруг гей -тем и заставляет нас догадываться, когда он наконец пролит бобы. Вы видите, что изюминку состоит в том, что персонаж Стивена Реа романтически связан с женщиной, а с мужчиной. Это откровение, если хотите, можно сравнить с полной сценой Монти, смело отображаемой на экране. Теперь, конечно, это не совпадает с сценой с теленкой в ​​«Городских петлях», но это, безусловно, добавляет неожиданный слой сюжетной линии.

Кристалл выставляет напоказ некоторые товары на тему юмора из киностудии, напоминающий стиль Галлахера. Есть предмет с смоделированным ножом, окрашенным красным, намекает на фильм Вуди Аллена « Мужья и жен «. (Поскольку общеизвестно, что супруги иногда имеют настолько интенсивные разногласия, что они могут чувствовать, как нанести удар друг другу.)

Я постоянно избегаю выполнения «Оскар! Оскар!» Песня, но она, кажется, не услышает. Как и следовало ожидать, это не очень ярко («ура для howards end » и так далее), кульминацией которого стало зафиксировано ключевую петуху из плачущей игры , эффективно испортив сюрприз.

Сцена заканчивается тем, что Кристал продвигает свой собственный фильм, менее чем звездный, под названием «Мистер субботний вечер». Это чувствует себя довольно надуманным.

Лучшая шутка: «Интересно, что 1992 год не был финансово процветающим годом для женских ролей. Одним из самых обсуждаемых женских аспектов было изображение Шарон Стоун в фильме Основной инстинкт .

Кроме того, стоит отметить, что Дж. Эдгар Гувер преуспел в маскировке, как он появился на «Шоу Энди Гриффита» под характером тети Би на протяжении семи лет.

59. 1981 (53 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Джонни Карсон

Сегодня вечером довольно замечательный вечер. Награды Академии были отложены из -за неожиданного инцидента с новостями, в последнее время во время убийства Мартина Лютера Кинга -младшего трудно представить хаос, который привел этот задержка (подумайте о торговле, дизайнерах и даже флористах!). Когда разворачивается красная ковровая дорожка, классические достопримечательности изобилуют, в которых участвуют восходящие звезды, такие как Sigourney Weaver, Timothy Hutton и Michael Jackson, которые прибывают с Дианой Росс, его коллегой из The Wiz . Они легко смешиваются с Аланом Аркином и Лореттой Линн (в центре внимания дочери шахтера ).

В этом году все дело в том, чтобы испытать глубину и разнообразие таких фильмов, как «Обычные люди», «Бешеный бык», «Человек -слон», «Империя наносит назад» и «Частный бенджамин» — каждый из которых предлагает уникальные идеи и эмоции, которые глубоко резонируют.

После представлений, говорящий читает имена нескольких докладчиков, занимая более минуты. В неожиданной ошибке спикер неправильно называет имя хозяина в конце: «Дамы и господа, ваш мастер церемоний, Джон Картер!

У тебя была одна работа …

В этот день Карсон делится фантастическими новостями с собравшейся аудиторией: «Вам будет приятно услышать, что президент преуспевает в том, чтобы сделать исключительно хорошо», — говорит он. «Он активно занимался государственными вопросами». Комната разразится в длительных аплодисментах. Эта речь выходит на следующий день после того, как Рейган узко избежал попытки убийства.

Я люблю мысль о команде академии, которая звонила в больницу Рейгана, обдумывая, могут ли они транслировать шоу на следующую ночь («Вы предполагаете, что он сделает это до полуночи?»).

Затем мы видим приветствие от президента, которого он записал за несколько недель до этого.

В конце концов, был удовлетворительный сегмент, играющий правила академии как мелодию, но казалось, что академия думала, что было достаточно юмора, учитывая близкий призыв предыдущего дня. Следовательно, Карсон не дал своего обычного открывающего монолога.

58. 1960 (32 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Боб Хоуп


Похоже, что 2021 год — это момент ben hur , а некоторые любят это горячая и анатомия убийства , являющейся частью микса. Примечательно, что оба 400 Blows и Dile Cluseries готовы к лучшему сценарию. Сбор может похвастаться членством около 2200 человек. Мероприятие начинается с серии мелодий уважаемого Гарольда Арлена, который известен тем, что сочиняет «над радугой». Следуя за ним Б. Б. Кахан, президент академии, выступивший с ничем не примечательной речью, которая включает в себя несколько спорных замечаний на фоне напряженности в отрасли, вызванной забастовкой. Для меня эти строки, кажется, слегка наклоняются против профсоюзов: «Это фантастическая нация. Куда еще человек может уйти с работы и отказаться от того, чтобы выйти из своего бассейна, пока он не улучшит условия труда?» В Рейгане также есть тонкий удар: «Я никогда не думал, что буду свидетелем того дня, когда Рональд Рейган был единственным актером, который все еще работал.

Самая смешная шутка: «Какая фантастическая толпа у нас сегодня вечером! Есть норки, меховые пальто и драгоценности … похоже, что мы находимся в комнате полиции Чикаго!

В ближайшем будущем кажется, что мы увидим только необычные, интроспективные взрослые вестерны. Вместо традиционной реакции на то, чтобы быть застреленным злодеем, таким как «Вы, сын пистолета!», Мы могли бы услышать что -то более созерцательное, например, «Я не могу не задаться вопросом, что он имел в виду».

57. 1964 (36 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Джек Леммон

Сегодня вечером в Civic в Санта -Монике камеры камеры, чем обычно, снимая несколько перспектив как оркестра, так и аудитории. Рок Хадсон произносит юмористическую речь из прохода, сообщая нам, что некоторые люди опаздывают на Оскар, потому что дамы должны искать свои перчатки в своих автомобилях, прежде чем они смогут приехать.

2021 год отмечает год Клеопатры и Тома Джонса (главного победителя), а также лилии поля. Примечательно, что Сидни Пуйер станет первым афроамериканцем, который выиграет актерский Оскар со времен Хэтти МакДэниел за «Унесенный ветром». Интересно, что в прошлом году в Marienbad получает номинацию на свой сценарий, который является одной из самых нетрадиционных номинаций на Оскар в истории.

Второе празднование в честь Артура Фрида и Насио Херба Брауна, известного «Пойной под дождем», кажется чрезмерно экстравагантным. Хозяин этого события — Джек Леммон. Тем не менее, чрезмерная лесть по отношению к Freed (он служит главой академии) довольно заметна, что побуждает леммона сделать несколько шуток о странном совпадении. (Интересно, что Ширли Темпл упомянула в ее мемуарах, которые освободили ее, когда она была ребенком.)

В более простых терминах, в основном Леммонской точки зрения обсуждается тенденция в фильмах, где персонажи реже курят. Он также представляет предполагаемую цитату из Шекспира, которая включает в себя «Lucky Strike», но я считаю, что это изобретенная цитата. Я не уверен в юморе, стоящем за этим утверждением.

56. 1956 (28 -й Оскар) Ведущий: Джерри Льюис

Джордж Ситон, президент ACAD, делится тем, что все пять кандидатов в лучшие картины были сняты за границей. Сегодняшнее мероприятие уникально, а Джерри Льюис выступает в качестве хозяина. В то время он был довольно энергичным и не совсем следил за традицией академии. Ситону требует минуты, чтобы представить его как «молодого комика, которого я всегда ценил. В прошлый день я пришел, чтобы восхищаться им.

Уникальным образом Льюис, кажется, борется в этой ситуации. Большая часть его юмора чувствует себя устаревшим, и примерно через 15 секунд после выступления ясно, что он не резонирует с толпой. «Боб Хоуп много путешествует», — шутит Льюис. Ответ — оглушительное молчание. Затем он прибегает к объяснению понятий «прямых линий» и «шуток». После этого он делится некоторыми шутками о современных автострадах в Лос -Анджелесе.

Он тонко ссылался на своего партнера, Дина Мартина, с которым он выступает в Лас -Вегасе, заявив: «Прошлой ночью за столом рулетки, похоже, мы будем в городе Грех в течение следующих пяти лет».

Он утверждает, что предпочитает фильмы из других стран, в которых есть субтитры, но в шутку отмечает, что при просмотре Джины Лоллобриджида, которая так визуально привлекательна, кому нужно читать? Этот комментарий предназначен как юмор, ссылаясь на привлекательность актрисы.

К атмосфере становится более оживленной, когда к Льюису присоединяется Клодетт Колберт, в которой говорится в прямом эфире из Нью -Йорка вместе с Джозефом Манкевиком (директором «Все о Еве»), который выражает свой удивление в успехе Льюиса. Тем не менее, у Льюиса есть удачное возвращение: «Удивлен, мистер Манкевич? Персона, с которой я был связан, шумный клоун, — это просто тщательно продуманный акт. В действительности я на самом деле совершенно другой.

Лучшая линия: «Последний кляп, который я когда -либо покупал у труба».

55. 1969 (41 -й Оскар) Ведущий: «Друзья Оскара»


В игривом повороте Рон Муди как Фагин и Джек Уайлд, как искусный уклон от фильма «Оливер!» Схемы провалили Оскар, если они сами не получили его в этом году. Однако это был «Оливер!» Сама, которая ушла с несколькими наградами, включая почетную награду за выдающиеся танцевальные номера. Это был 1968 год, когда «2001: космическая одиссея», «Забавная девочка» и «Ребенок Розмари» также доминировали в сцене.

По определенным вечерам Оскар решает ярко светить, раскрывая его уважаемых спутников, часто называемых «спутниками Оскара». Сегодня вечером мы наблюдаем многочисленные такие звезды, начиная с Ингрида Бергмана, представляющего Сидни Пуйера, которая затем представляет Джейн Фонда и так далее.

Когда Джейн Рассел выражает сожаление о том, что не действовала вместе с Бертом Ланкастером, он предлагает: «Вы могли бы быть в отсюда до Eternity » с подсказкой в ​​его глазах. Затем Академия показывает вневременную сцену Ланкастера и Дебора Керр, страстно поцеловающихся в прибое. Неизвестный, Рассел уезжает.

Синатра выступает, чтобы петь песню Оскара на мелодию «The Lady Is The Tramp»:

Если она наклоняет нос на этот известный фильм царь
шансы, дама-звезда!

54. 1983 (55 -й Оскар) Хозяева: Дадли Мур, Лиза Миннелли, Ричард Прайор и Уолтер Маттау

В этом году демонстрируют такие фильмы, как Ганди, Динер, Е.Т., Виктор/Виктория и Бегун -Бегун. Примечательно, что Blade Runner выдвигается только на две технические награды, в то время как правильно, еще один замечательный фильм, похоже, был упущен из -за отделения директоров в последнее время. Диктор подчеркивает, что фильмы популярны во всем мире — «кинотеатры [мерцающие дворцы] в Сиднее, Австралия» и так далее. Мы остаемся в павильоне Дороти Чендлер, расположенном в музыкальном центре Лос -Анджелеса.

Сегодня вечером хозяин — не что иное, как вихрь! Вы увидите Дадли Мур, Лизу Миннелли, Ричард Прайор и Уолтер Маттау вместе. Но не волнуйтесь, не будет никакого синхронизированного пения или танцев.

Сегодняшний хост хаотичный развлечение, в которой представлены удивительный состав, в том числе Дадли Мур, Лизу Миннелли, Ричард Прайор и Уолтер Маттау. Тем не менее, вам не придется беспокоиться о хореографическом музыкальном представлении.

О, подождите …

Решающее время наступило, и хотя Миннелли доставляет, как и ожидалось, Прайор, похоже, напекает его из соседнего бара, и это не рассматривает его борьбу с чтением телепрестора.

Далее находится очаровательный Фэй Канин, президент академии, который тонко указывает на интересный кусочек: первое событие Оскара заняло чуть пять минут. Интересно, что Энн Франк, добавляет она, спрятала фотографии кинозвезды в ее безопасном убежище. Должен признаться, я не уверен в связи, с которой она пытается нарисовать здесь.

По возвращении Лиза обнаруживает, что ее коллеги -хозяева практикуют. Она решает привлечь кого -то, чтобы объяснить правила академии, поскольку правила FCC в первые дни телевидения требовали, чтобы они четко изложили, как были выбраны их награды. Человек, который выходит, является быстро говорящим актером из рекламных объявлений, который доставляет его удивительным темпом. Это приводит к большому развлечению, и это конец сегмента.

53. 1954 (26 -й Оскар) Хозяева: Дональд О’Коннор и Фредрик Марш


Первоначальная мелодия повторяет мелодию от Mulholland Drive: «Город, известный как Голливуд, посвященный созданию мечтаний». После этого оркестр исполняет «Колыбельную Бродвея» под дубинкой Андре Превина, которая позже выйдет замуж за Миа Фарроу. Затем мы перевезем в Нью -Йорк, увидев там сверкающую толпу. Президент Академии Чарльз Брэкетт сообщает нам, что индустрия переживает «ренессанс» после вызова, создаваемого телевидением; Аудитория вернулась с новой энергией. Этот период ознаменовал пик Cinemascope и 3-D технологии.

Он представляет Дональда О’Коннора, известного тем, что он поет «Сделай Эм смеяться» в «Полнье под дождем», который, кажется, лично написал его юмор. Шутки аккуратно расположены на листе бумаги перед ним. В то время это было похоже на невинную эпоху. «Это был значительный год для фильмов», — отмечает он, используя слово «просторное». Кроме того, он комментирует: «Ученые НАСА пытаются показать фильмы на Луне. Их русские коллеги стремятся удалить их из России. [Паузы, проверяет микрофон.] Кто -нибудь там?

Это второй год, когда шоу транслируется по телевидению, и оно уже становится довольно элегантным; Есть разделенный экран с хозяином в Нью -Йорке под названием Fredric March. Между ними есть легкие подшучивания или остроумные обмены. Когда О’Коннор упоминает, что у него есть такса, Март предлагает: «Я рекомендую вам оставить его. Я слышал, как Занук планирует переделать фильмы Rin Tin Tin в Cinemascope» со смехом.

Позже О’Коннор, по -видимому, представляет сцену фильма, но она неожиданно превращается в рекламу Oldsmobile с участием актера Пола Дугласа за рулем. Он выходит из машины, выражая привязанность к Oldsmobile, прежде чем обратиться за помощью к «Восходящей звезде на NBC». И вот, это Бетти Уайт! Я проверил это — Уайт в то время было 31 год, и у него была уже прославленная карьера. Рекламный ролик продолжает то, что кажется вечностью — более двух с половиной минут. Впервые упоминается Билл Миллер из Pricewaterhouse, чтобы поручиться за целостность финансового разбирательства.

Впоследствии вы станете свидетелем 22-летней Элизабет Тейлор и ее второго мужа Майкла Уилдинг (один из ее семи супругов), вручая лучшую документальную награду.

52. 2000 (72 -й Оскар) хозяин: Билли Кристал

В удивительном повороте, фильм American Beauty , который выиграл главный приз, несмотря на то, что он был омрачен topsy-turvy в качестве лучшего фильма года, имел неожиданный гомосексуальный сюжет в своем финале. Другие известные фильмы того года включали Матрицу, шестой смысл, и правила сидра. Дома. Был значительно сосредоточен на спорной сцене в American Beauty с участием персонажа Кевина Спейси, мастурбирующего в душе, со многими гомосексуальными оттенками. Это последовало за слухами о сексуальности Спейси, на которую намекают на недавней обложке esquire.

Билли Кристал осуществляется полицейским. «У меня был LAPD меня здесь!»

He greets, «Welcome to the Oscars,» he adds with a quip, «…or what ABC humorously refers to as ‘Regis’s night off.’ This period marked the reign of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, an immensely popular show that seized most of the network’s prime-time slots. However, its dominance in programming was initially impressive until audiences began tuning out.

He quickly starts singing the «Oscar! Oscar!» song. If you’re a young Matrix fan watching, you might be surprised to see Crystal performing «Green Acres» for The Green Mile instead. But it eventually gets better, with scenes from The Sixth Sense and The Insider, followed by a part making fun of Michael Caine for starring in so many films. The main point is that many of these movies aren’t very good.)

Due to unavailability of anyone in town to style her hair and makeup, Laura Schlessinger was unable to attend tonight’s event; she’s known for making controversial comments about the LGBTQ+ community on her radio show.

51. 1985 (the 57th Oscars)Host: Jack Lemmon

In a charming introduction featuring Jack Lemmon on tape, he displays some Oscar tickets and invites viewers to join him indoors. Unfortunately, that was about the best part. It’s the year of movies like Splash and Beverly Hills Cop, along with heartfelt ’80s productions such as The Killing Fields and A Passage to India. However, the big winner was Amadeus.

For the evening, Lemmon serves as a friendly and unobtrusive emcee. He delivers a brief speech, discussing our shared appreciation for the ‘moving images’ above us. The awards are given to individuals whose work is deemed superior to those who initially thought their own work was quite good.

According to Gene Allen, the show is currently being watched in China, Poland, and Denmark. He suggests that the show could potentially reach an audience of up to 1 billion viewers, though this may not be accurate. Despite any doubts about the numbers, the cast members appear thrilled by this development.

At the end, Lemmon presents his fellow hosts, a group of promising young stars in Hollywood: Candice Bergen, Jeff Bridges, Glenn Close, Gregory Hines, Amy Irving, and so on.

In a casual and understandable manner,

Lemmon discusses the increase in awards shows. «It has even occurred that an awards ceremony could receive an award from another awards ceremony for being the top awards event!

50. 1987 (the 59th Oscars)Hosts: Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn, and Paul Hogan


David Lynch’s directing work in the controversial film, «Blue Velvet,» earned him a nomination from the directors’ community, which is quite an acknowledgment given the movie’s shock value at its release. Meanwhile, «Aliens,» «Children of a Lesser God,» and «My Beautiful Laundrette» were also notable films during this time, but it was «Platoon» that took home the Best Picture and Best Director awards.

The host for this event is Chevy Chase, who’s collaborating with Paul Hogan (the famed star of Crocodile Dundee) and Goldie Hawn. However, it’s Chevy who delivers the opening monologue. He kicks off by joking about Jim and Tammy Bakker, asking for donations to keep God from calling him home, saying, «It’s only 15 grand — and you’re all wealthy.» He also thanks Paul Hogan for traveling so far, commenting that when they say «Throw another shrimp on the barbie,» it means they’re letting go of one of their agents. He attempts to poke fun at the main nominees with humor that lands more often than not: «Children of a Lesser God — learning to make love in a swimming pool without disturbing the neighbors.»

Best line: «One massive corporation now produces both television shows and garbage disposals… and sometimes confuses the two.

In the world of Hollywood, it’s widely believed that two individuals, Poindexter and North, have access to the most crucial secrets. Their unwavering discretion is something people can rely on.

49. 2019 (the 91st Oscars)(Non) hosts: Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler

2019 marked a disappointing turn in recent Oscar history, as an unconventionally cinematic film, reminiscent of the «Driving Miss Daisy» era, took home the Best Picture award. The complexities of the Oscars’ preferential voting system make it challenging to pinpoint exactly how Peter Farrelly’s «Green Book» managed to outshine contenders like Bradley Cooper’s «A Star Is Born.» It seems that films directed by prominent actors often hold an advantage in the Best Picture category, due to a strong showing from the Academy’s largest branch, the actors. However, we breathed a sigh of relief as Spike Lee finally received a long-overdue Oscar for Best Screenplay for «BlacKKKlansman.» This recognition should have come back in 1989 when his masterpiece, «Do the Right Thing,» was not only snubbed for Best Screenplay but also failed to secure a nomination for Best Picture. Yes, you guessed it — that was the year «Driving Miss Daisy» triumphed.

To begin with, we kick off with an old-school Oscars movie montage! This is a smart compilation of heartwarming moments from various films released in the past year, ranging from blockbusters like Deadpool and Black Panther to smaller productions such as The Old Man and the Gun and Ralph Breaks the Internet. To wrap it up, a touching quote from that year’s Mister Rogers documentary is included.

Audience members get excited… right up until the program begins. Frankly, one would expect the Oscars to avoid their usual blunders, but instead, we’re greeted by a trio who, sadly, inform us that they aren’t actually the hosts.

Originally, the academy selected Kevin Hart as the host, but after discovering some past tweets containing offensive language about homosexuality, Hart decided not to participate. Consequently, no official host was present for the event.

What was the purpose behind Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Maya Rudolph making funny movie references before introducing the awards, which is essentially the role of a host? This powerhouse threesome, backed by the talented SNL writing team, could have given us an unprecedented, dynamic Oscar hosting performance. However, what we got was more of a mock introduction where they said, «If we were the hosts, here’s some jokes we’d say…». Although some of the lines were witty, it felt hasty and lacked the polish expected in such an event. The performance concluded abruptly, leaving us with a sense of disappointment.

Best line, from Poehler: “These Spanx are so tight they’re entered my Spiderverse!”

48. 2024 (the 96th Oscars)

Host: Jimmy Kimmel


2023 marks the return of the much-anticipated movie, «Barbenheimer,» with Jimmy Kimmel taking on his fourth role in this franchise. The film begins with a comedic introduction reminiscent of Billy Crystal’s style, featuring a recap of the year’s most popular movies. We find ourselves in Venice Beach, where Margot Robbie as Barbie is waiting at a bus stop. When she tells Kimmel, «You’re so beautiful,» it’s amusing, but the humor doesn’t quite hit its stride after that point.

On this particular evening, Kimmel didn’t quite shine as he usually does, showcasing both his sophisticated charm and common man’s allure. However, the aftereffects of the four-month SAG strike were still noticeable.

The director, Greta Gerwig, for Barbie, didn’t receive a Best Director nomination, and Kimmel merely notes this fact. It’s almost as if he’s saying «Where are her limbs?» in frustration, considering how simple it seems. (I wonder if that will earn me some of Bruce Vilanch’s witty remarks?)

There seems to be a self-referential humor reminiscent of Crystal, but I’m not entirely convinced it hits the mark. To be fair, my analysis might be too meticulous, but the joke about ‘The Zone of Interest’ being a German interpretation of a romantic comedy doesn’t quite fit.

At the end of his introduction, Kimmel highlights the unsung heroes behind the scenes of the show, emphasizing who the strike was truly for. Dressed in formal attire, they all emerge in a procession, prompting applause from the audience.

As a curious observer, I must say, given the intricate plotlines and sophisticated character development in «Transformers: Rise of the Beasts», it’s quite plausible that an advanced AI could have been capable of penning such a story. After all, AI systems are increasingly adept at understanding complex narratives and creating compelling content.

Since the issue with AI has been settled, it’s time for us all to return to fretting over the possibility of being supplanted by fresher and more appealing individuals.

Best line: «In ‘Poor Things’, Emma portrayed an adult woman who mentally resembled a child. Similar to the lady who delivered the counter-argument following the State of the Union speech last night, which was given by Alabama senator Katie Britt.» (Here, he’s making reference to the response from Republican Senator Katie Britt after President Biden’s State of the Union address.)

47. 1998 (the 70th Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal

It’s difficult to comprehend how a movie without a screenplay nomination could beat out «L.A. Confidential» for Best Picture in the 1990s, but «Titanic,» astonishing audiences with its earnings, managed to win numerous awards despite this. (Setting aside the hype, when adjusted for inflation, it was actually the sixth or seventh highest-grossing movie ever; re-releases have boosted it to fifth now, according to Box Office Mojo.) The other notable films in contention were «Good Will Hunting» and «As Good As It Gets.

In a repeat performance, Crystal stars in another film that seems to revolve around him missing out on performances, getting into trouble with the police in L.A., auditioning for The Full Monty, and so on. A highlight is when he poses nude for Leonardo DiCaprio to draw. Without a moment’s hesitation, Crystal saunters onto the set like the prow of a ship, launching into his «Oscar! Oscar!» song. His take on Titanic could be described as using the theme from Gilligan’s Island, giving you an idea of his overall approach. Regarding L.A. Confidential, he quips, «You could be the iceberg tonight!», but it’s clear now that such a scenario is impossible.

Best Joke: [To the tune of “Night and Day”]

Matt and Ben
You are the ones
Your script is tight
And — dammit — so are your buns.

46. 1972 (the 44th Oscars)Hosts: Helen Hayes, Alan King, Sammy Davis Jr., and Jack Lemmon


From time to time, as a devoted cinephile, I find myself envisioning the grandeur of Tinseltown. You know, every few years or so, the Academy entrusts a new movie maestro with this vision. And what does this visionary suggest? A spectacular opening spectacle! A glorious celebration, if you will, of none other than the enchanting allure of Hollywood itself!

Once more we find ourselves in this familiar territory, with dashing Joel Grey (who would later earn an Oscar for a completely contrasting role in Cabaret) enlightening us about the allure of Hollywood. I appreciate a well-executed musical sequence, but I can’t help but feel that these spectacles ultimately undermine both the Academy and Hollywood as a whole. If it’s truly as captivating as they claim, why aren’t they just basking in their glamour and engaging in romantic liaisons instead of staging numbers that boast about their allure? This one drags on. It talks about silent films, Valentino, Busby Berkeley, and so forth. While it does have its comedic moments, I believe it could have been significantly improved if it had delved into some of the more daring cinema trends emerging during that time.

Daniel Taradash steps forward to greet Charlie Chaplin with a warm salute, expressing his joy at Chaplin’s return. He will be bestowed our highest honorary award in recognition of his achievements. Upon accepting the award, Chaplin is expected to express his gratitude towards the audience. This moment at the Oscars, marked by emotion and historical significance, is particularly memorable. It’s important to note that while Chaplin was a renowned artist of the 20th century, he faced exile not only on grounds of suspected communist sympathies but also for more substantial accusations involving inappropriate relationships with underage girls. However, it should be acknowledged that such behavior was not uncommon among many studio executives during that time.

The events culminated with Helen Hayes, a renowned matron of both stage and screen during that era, stepping forward to express her gratitude, echoing the sentiments George C. Scott had not managed to convey the previous year.

45. 1999 (the 71st Oscars)Host: Whoopi Goldberg


1998 was an extraordinary year when «Shakespeare in Love» unexpectedly triumphed over «Saving Private Ryan,» and Roberto Benigni famously navigated the stage on the seats to receive his Best Foreign Language Film award for the now-forgotten «Life Is Beautiful.» Goldberg, the host, delivered a memorable Oscars entrance by appearing as Queen Elizabeth in heavy makeup. (Judi Dench would go on to win Best Supporting Actress for her eight-minute portrayal of Elizabeth in «Shakespeare in Love.») «Good evening, my subjects,» Goldberg declared. «I am the Queen of Africa.

However, it spans only three minutes. Following a brief interlude, she returns wearing ordinary clothing and delivers a performance reminiscent of a poetry slam, commenting on the Lewinsky scandal, albeit in a way that seems somewhat indifferent to the predatory actions of a powerful man towards one of his subordinates. Despite this, it’s another instance of Goldberg’s monologue being overly self-referential and less humorous than desired. For instance, she casually brings up the «Mike Ovitz–CAA situation.» Then she quips, «That pretty much wraps up my career in Hollywood!» Yet, she didn’t actually tell a joke about it or make any risqué comments. Instead, she simply referenced it. Are the Academy Award writers providing her lines, or is it herself or her own team who supplies them, with perhaps no one having the courage to inform her they aren’t funny?

In my previous visit, the most debatable accessory for a dress was just a simple ribbon.

One well-known jest within the industry goes like this: ‘The campaigning efforts of DreamWorks and Miramax for their Oscar nominations, dear one. They were as fierce as if they were battling World War III, but it was actually World War II they were fighting!’

44. 2007 (the 79th Oscars)Host: Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres expresses her long-held aspiration as she prepares to host the Academy Awards for the first time ever. The event promises a blend of Ellen’s signature musings, laid-back humor, and perhaps a touch of subtle wit.

The Departed is anticipated to claim victory, marking a belated accolade for Martin Scorsese, despite its relatively lower position on his esteemed list of films. Both Babel and Little Miss Sunshine are also contenders in the race.

Ellen DeGeneres isn’t bad; she’s just not very engaging. Even clever jokes fall flat: ‘We don’t need lengthy talks, but we certainly don’t want dull ones.'»

In this version, I have attempted to convey the same meaning while making the sentence more natural and easy to read by using simple language and a conversational tone. The original sentence is rephrased into a more colloquial style that better reflects how people might speak in everyday conversation.

As a passionate movie enthusiast, I can’t help but marvel at the irony of life’s twists and turns. Jennifer Hudson, who didn’t win on American Idol, is now gracing us with an Oscar nomination. It’s truly astounding! Conversely, Al Gore, whom America chose, seems to have vanished from the limelight. Isn’t it intriguing how life works sometimes?

43. 1991 (the 63rd Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal

In his second year, Crystal makes an appearance on a horse, drawing attention to his latest film titled «City Slickers». He unveils a joke related to car remotes during this presentation. As he shares, «I was having lunch with Julia Phillips,» a producer known for her work on «The Sting», and author of the memoir «You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again» about Hollywood.

1990 was an exceptional year for Kevin Costner as he dominated the film industry with a diverse array of critically acclaimed films. Among them were «Dances With Wolves», «The Godfather Part III», «Awakenings», «Ghost», and «GoodFellas». Pausing to consider, it’s fascinating how «Dances With Wolves» outshone «GoodFellas», but it’s equally important to remember that the outcome could have been even more competitive.

Crystal remarks, «We have Jeremy Irons, renowned from ‘Reversal of Fortune,'» referring to the portrayal of a character resembling Donald Trump. The initial segment features an adaptation of his famous «Oscar! Oscar!» tune, laced with humorous gags about the nominees, set to classic tunes. Overall, rather light-hearted and inoffensive material.

Funniest Industry Reference: He brings up the well-known scene from Misery, where Kathy Bates limps James Caan. «It’s on page eight of the Katzenberg memo.» Back then, Jeffrey Katzenberg, former Disney chief, had stirred up the industry with a lengthy critique, claiming that studios were overpaying their stars among other things.

42. 2020 (the 92nd Oscars)

(Non) hosts: Steve Martin, Chris Rock

2020 was an exceptionally strange year for us. Contrary to expectations, «The Irishman,» a lengthy and somewhat dull movie based on the dubious memoirs of a storyteller and an unsavory character, failed to claim the title of the best film of the year. It’s satisfying to see it lose out, with «Parasite,» directed by the talented Bong Joon Ho, winning Best Picture instead – marking the first time a foreign-language film has taken home this prestigious award (if we include «The Artist» in that category).

Oscar continues to grapple with the aftermath of #OscarsSoWhite, prompting Janelle Monáe, who had a supporting role in Harriet, to kick off her performance with an energetic song highlighting the films that were overlooked and criticizing the Academy for lacking sufficient diversity among its acting nominees.

After Chris Rock and Steve Martin make an appearance to clarify they aren’t the hosts, they entertain with five minutes of humor instead. However, their styles clash significantly as Rock’s straightforward political humor contrasts sharply with Martin’s subtle irony. The duo also appear uncomfortable on stage, frequently reading from teleprompters and transitioning awkwardly between segments, such as «We’ve had a fantastic time not hosting tonight…

As a die-hard fan, I can’t help but marvel at Mahershala Ali’s brilliant delivery: «Mahershala Ali is here! [Thunderous applause] With two Oscars under his belt, you’d think that would make him immune to traffic stops. But nothing changes!

Jeff Bezos, who’s incredibly wealthy, is present. Even after a divorce, he remains the wealthiest individual globally.

And: “Marty I gotta tell you, I loved the first season of The Irishman.”

Best Joke: «Cynthia Erivo, nominated for ‘Harriet’, did such a great job disguising Black people that the Academy didn’t even notice all the other Black nominees!

41. 1973 (the 45th Oscars)Hosts: Carol Burnett, Michael Caine, Charlton Heston, and Rock Hudson


It’s another gigantic production number about movie-making. Our star is Angela Lansbury, a doll.

1972 was an extraordinary year for films like «The Godfather,» «Cabaret,» «Lady Sings the Blues,» and «Deliverance.» While «The Godfather» took home the Best Picture award, it’s often overlooked that Bob Fosse’s «Cabaret» won eight out of its ten nominations. Moreover, Marlon Brando made Oscars history when he sent a woman dressed in Native American attire to decline his Best Actor statue.

The show begins with, “The following program is brought to you in living color on NBC.”

Lansbury’s phone number provides an extensive account of an actress’s challenging lifestyle, from applying makeup to rehearsals and stage entrances. It seems endless, but it’s a grand production, much like the one we had last year with Joel Grey. Later on, the Academy president exclaims, «The youth of today are movie enthusiasts!

Next, an unexpected moment of madness unfolds — a bizarre scene where Clint Eastwood, sporting the hairstyle and facial hair from 1972, steps forward to recite the Academy regulations in a manner reminiscent of biblical passages — «You shall provide full disclosure,» and so on. However, Eastwood appears displeased by this turn of events. «Come on, reveal the next card, buddy! This isn’t my area of expertise, I’ll let you know,» he says to the person holding the cue cards.

Next, surprisingly, Charlton Heston strides onto the stage, vigorously smoothing back his hair. It turned out that the biblical passages were for him to recite in a deep, Moses-like voice. (The official account is that he had experienced a flat tire on the highway.)

40. 1990 (the 62nd Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal

2021 marks Billy Crystal’s debut as the host of the Oscars, and «Driving Miss Daisy» is poised to take home the top honor. However, if «Steel Magnolias» had won instead, it would have been quite an awkward outcome. This year also saw notable releases like «My Left Foot», «Crimes and Misdemeanors», and «Batman».

I find Crystal to be someone who embraces an old-fashioned charm, unlike most performers who strive to stay youthful. However, during his first series of four consecutive shows, there were moments that made him appear aged more quickly than expected. Sadly, a significant number of his jokes seemed rooted in outdated racial humor reminiscent of a less enlightened Borscht Belt act.

One of the jokes that fell flat was when he mentioned an Italian man buying MGM, saying the MGM lion would now be invoking the Fifth Amendment. This joke seemed to suggest all Italians are connected to organized crime. The audience responded with boos, indicating it wasn’t well-received.

Another instance was when he discussed Sony Pictures being bought by the Japanese. He shared a story about pitching a movie idea to them, and one executive stood up and mimicked a barking Japanese voice, saying «And then Godzilla come up and eat them?!» This joke seems to stereotype all Japanese people as monstrous or destructive, which is unfortunate and unfunny.

Just so you know, Japan is where filmmakers like Ozu and Kurosawa hail from. As for Billy Crystal, he was gearing up to produce City Slickers.

Here’s another way of expressing it: He also notes Marlon Brando’s Best Actor win for The Godfather. «That was approximately 1.5 years ago.» (In reality, moons symbolize months, not years; the humor lies in Sacheen Littlefeather, the Native American who stood in for Brando to receive the award, having won a «Miss American Vampire» pageant two years earlier.)

In a humorous twist following his introduction of Spike Lee, Crystal casually mentions that the acclaimed film «Do the Right Thing» received a Best Screenplay nomination. As the audience applauds, he adds with a smirk, «… Originally conceived by Art Buchwald.» This remark is a nod to a well-known legal dispute at the time between columnist Buchwald and Eddie Murphy and Paramount Pictures. Buchwald had proposed an idea for a film which they ultimately passed on. Two years later, they produced «Coming to America,» a movie that, as it turned out, bore a striking resemblance to Buchwald’s original pitch. The lawsuit was significant in Hollywood due to its exposure of the industry’s accounting practices, which often resulted in profitable films appearing unprofitable on paper. The court deemed these practices «unconscionable,» but Paramount eventually reached a settlement before the matter escalated further.

I’m explaining the details thoroughly since it’s tricky to understand the humor. The joke might be that Crystal is mocking Buchwald for suing any Black films he could find, implying he was accusing them of script theft. However, this isn’t accurate because Buchwald won the lawsuit. It appears more like «here’s another movie made by a Black person who stole a script,» which is incorrect. He seems to be equating Murphy, a movie star, with Spike Lee, a serious artist, but it seems like he can only think of «a Black guy who made a movie.

After that, things become more peculiar. Crystal mentions, «… or Andy Rooney.» Rooney was an older columnist who was known for making comments that an old man might make. However, this gives the impression that Buchwald was being racist, which is not true. In fact, a court ruled that Paramount and Eddie Murphy took Buchwald’s idea without credit.

Best Joke: [Entering to applause.] “Is it just me or are you just glad I’m not Snow White?”

Best Industry Joke: “Jack Nicholson is so rich Morgan Freeman drove him here tonight.”

39. 2002 (the 74th Oscars)Host: Whoopi Goldberg

Whoppi Goldberg remarks, «The upcoming show will last for a while.» She adds, «However, it won’t be as lengthy as the explanation of Mulholland Drive was.

Brian Grazer and Ron Howard have often felt they were unjustly denied an Oscar when Apollo 13 was beat by Mel Gibson’s Braveheart. Tonight, however, their film Beautiful Mind triumphs, but it’s somewhat eclipsed by the fact that Denzel Washington and Halle Berry win the top acting awards.

In truth, the breathtaking moments at this awards ceremony outshone all its confusion – from being the longest Oscars broadcast in history (a staggering four-and-a-half hours), to the event post 9/11, the initial ceremony held at the Academy’s new Hollywood theater later known as the Kodak Theatre (which experienced a few fires during show preparations), and the first time Woody Allen graced the stage at the Academy Awards.

2001 also marks the release of the first «Lord of the Rings» film and «Memento.» It’s hard to believe that Baz Luhrmann’s visually stunning «Moulin Rouge!» wasn’t awarded Best Picture, but David Lynch earned his second Best Director nomination for «Mulholland Drive,» a movie that was recently voted as the Best Picture of the 21st Century in an international poll of film critics by the BBC.

Initially, Tom Cruise speaks up, assuring us that it’s appropriate for the Academy to honor each other with awards following the 9/11 attacks. (Cruise’s speech was penned by Cameron Crowe; he reminisces about being astonished by ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, a movie he saw when he was just six years old.) Later on, Woody Allen emerges to pay tribute to Nora Ephron’s love letter to New York City in the aftermath of the same attacks.

Later, Whoopi Goldberg makes an appearance with a brief monologue. Descending from the ceiling in an outfit reminiscent of Nicole Kidman’s in Moulin Rouge!, but with a wilder touch, she declares, «I am the original Sexy Beast,» while playfully moving her trimmings. The entrance is brief, yet it allows for a moment of self-praise («I must be making you laugh, right?»).

She gets off a few jokes:

“So much mud has been thrown this year, all the nominees are black.”

“Oscar is the only 74-year-old man in Hollywood who doesn’t need Viagra to last three hours.”

“Security here is tighter than some of the faces.”

38. 1997 (the 69th Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal


Last year, it struck me that Crystal debuted as the opening film’s host for the first time. As tradition would have it, there was much speculation about his possible return to emcee the Oscars, with help from characters like Yoda, Jerry Maguire, Secrets & Lies, and more. The most hilarious moment featured him testing out jokes on Marge Gunderson in the snowy landscape of Fargo, to which she quipped, «I think I’m gonna be sick!» The skit concluded with a surprise appearance by Letterman.

Billy Crystal warmly greets you, ‘Welcome to the Shrine Auditorium,’ he says, a unique theater in America that doesn’t screen any of the Star Wars films.» (The reissued special editions collectively earned $250 million in 1997.)

Despite this, in the world of Oscars, Crystal explains that it’s «Sundance by the Sea.» In 1996, the major studios released a total of 163 films, yet only one was nominated for Best Picture — «Jerry Maguire». The other acclaimed movies of the year, such as «Fargo», «Secrets & Lies», and «Sling Blade», were all from the smaller independent studios that would eventually disrupt the film industry in the coming years. Although many indie studios were either founded by or acquired by the major studios, providing them with independence until the majors decided to reclaim control. In conclusion, «The English Patient» wins the top awards and marks the third Best Picture win for producer Saul Zaentz.

Crystal marvels at the “new faces” — the Coen brothers, Billy Bob Thornton, etc.

The main highlight is the collaboration between actors from «Sling Blade» and «Shine» in a police movie. Following this, there’s an assortment of Oscar-winning songs, albeit somewhat dull overall. However, the medley for «Shine» shows creativity.

Best joke: [After mentioning the 163 studio releases.] “164 if you count Michael Ovitz.”

As a dedicated cinephile, I must confess that I’ve undergone some digital touch-ups. You see, right after my inception, there was a bit of a choppy edit. I insisted they reinstate the omitted scenes, and voila! Here I am, as close to my original form as possible. [A chuckle here.] The rabbi, being the director, had the final say on what made it to the screen. So, there you have it!

Politics: “The only person guaranteed to be waking up with a statue is Tipper Gore.”

37. 1971 (the 43rd Oscars)Host: Various

1970 was quite a remarkable year for cinema, as the nominees for Best Picture include «Airport,» «M*A*S*H,» «Five Easy Pieces,» «Patton,» and «Love Story.» Notably, Fellini is also nominated in the category of Best Director for his work on «Satyricon.

As I delve into this conversation, let me clarify that I’m here speaking as a dedicated admirer of President Daniel Taradash, renowned for his masterpiece, «From Here to Eternity.» Initially, his discourse may seem somewhat dry, but hold on tight! At the 4:30 mark, things take an exciting turn. He elucidates the intricate workings behind the camera and rehearsal setups during award ceremonies. This meticulous planning ensures that when nominees are announced, the camera operators can skillfully capture the genuine emotions of the stars on screen. And

Next, we encounter yet another extensive, or as some might call it, lengthy and somewhat tiresome, preamble about the stars: Sally Kellerman, Vera Miles, Jim Brown, Glen Campbell, Merle Oberon, Jeanne Moreau, and so forth.

Harry Belafonte reads the rules. “Got all that? Okay.”

The first prize is presented by Shirley Jones, a legendary Broadway actress remembered as the mom on «The Partridge Family,» and John Marley, who played Ali MacGraw’s father in «Love Story,» but became infamous for receiving the horse’s head in his bed in «The Godfather.

And that’s it.

36. 1978 (The 50th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope


Oscar‘s 50th birthday falls on the same day as the premieres of «Star Wars,» «Saturday Night Fever,» and «Annie Hall.» A-list celebrities grace the red carpet, among them Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters, and a rising star, Meryl Streep – it’s the year she earned her first nomination (with a total of 21 to date since then, making it almost every other year).

As a film lover, I can’t help but wonder if the charming duo of Chase and Pryor from last year’s show might have resonated; nonetheless, we find ourselves once again immersed in the nostalgic rhythm dance. Stepping into the spotlight this time is none other than Debbie Reynolds, best known as Princess Leia’s mother. With a heartfelt song dedicated to Oscar, she serenades us with lyrics that echo our progress: «See how far / See how far / See how far we’ve come!» This number certainly takes a different tune from the captivating terpsichorean symphony Ann-Margret delivered last year.

I get where the Academy is coming from — «Let’s leverage our strengths! We’re Hollywood, we have the stars!» — but these introductions are starting to seem more like making up for something. The result is a long line of past big-name winners walking the stage — Cukor and Capra and… Chakiris? (George Chakiris, famously known as the Sharks’ leader in West Side Story, won a Best Supporting Actor award in 1961.)

Peck and the charismatic Bette Davis, aged 70 at the time, were responsible for establishing the rules of the Academy. They expressed surprise that the Academy’s outcomes had become front-page headlines. The duo asserted that approximately 300 million viewers were tuning in to watch the show.

Stepping into the theater, I found myself transported into the genuine realm of «Star Wars,» as the host declared. A fleeting moment graced us with the presence of Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden on the screen. His humor persisted, though it seemed the weight of the years was etched on his face. The art of audience reaction shots was still in its infancy, often capturing expressions that fell short of smiles. Our host appeared to be reciting his jokes, stumbling at times. He was well into his seventies then, a testament to his longevity, and this performance would be his final one.

1. «I can’t help but notice he’s still sporting that grin, but it appears his focus has shifted more towards personal relationships this year. It seems like everyone is fair game to him – from family members to pets.»

2. «When it comes to dance routines, there’s a stark contrast between the elegant partnership of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers performing ‘The Continental,’ and Marlon Brando’s passionate tango.»

Best Line: “Liz Taylor’s back at her farm in Virginia, still trying to milk a chicken.”

In modern times, a film like «Wings» would depict Buddy Rogers and Dick Arlen strolling towards the horizon, their hands intertwined.

This statement conveys the same idea as your original sentence, but in a more personal, contemporary manner.

35. 2023 (the 95th Oscars)

Host: Jimmy Kimmel

2021 was a blockbuster year for me as a fan, with «Top Gun: Maverick» leading the charge! This movie raked in an impressive $700 million just domestically, playing a significant role in revitalizing Hollywood following the pandemic’s devastating impact on the industry. The broadcast’s inaugural scene had Jimmy Kimmel white-knuckling it from the back seat of a fighter jet, being flown around by none other than Tom Cruise!

However, it’s over in just a brief moment. Despite the fact that Jimmy Kimmel was supposed to be parachuting down towards Hollywood, there was no sign of anyone jumping from a plane or parachuting in the sky. This means that when Jimmy descended from the rafters of the Kodak Theater onto the stage, it wasn’t as exciting as one might expect.

After letting go of the parachute, Kimmel seems to have difficulties readjusting his trousers. «My legs are tangled up,» he says. If this is an improvisation, it’s a brilliant one.

It’s commendable how Kimmel isn’t shy about criticizing Cruise for his connection to Scientology, and he does so humorously while referencing the movie «Maverick»: «Tom Cruise showing off his abs in that beach football scene! L. Ron Hubbard, hubbard indeed!

The recent slap from last year’s event is still a hot topic. «We have stringent measures in effect,» Kimmel shares with the crowd. «If anyone in this auditorium performs an act of violence during the show, they will receive the Oscar for Best Actor and be granted the opportunity to deliver an extended 19-minute speech.

«Apparently, they’re claiming that the well of fresh ideas in Hollywood is drying up. Take, for instance, the situation with Steven Spielberg who was compelled to create a film centered around none other than himself (referring to ‘The Fabelmans’).»*

Humorous Reword: «The Accounting Department outsmarted Batgirl, as Warner Brothers decided not to release the nearly completed ‘Batgirl’ reboot due to financial reasons, making it unseen.

I’d like to add my congratulations to the record-breaking maestro, John Williams, who at 91 years young is the oldest nominee in Oscar history. He looks fantastic and continues to compose, if you catch my drift.

34. 1957 (the 29th Oscars)Host: Jerry Lewis


Once more, Oldsmobile serves as the sponsor; however, the initial scene features an awkward moment where an Oldsmobile station wagon parks in front of the Pantages, followed by a lengthy speech from the spokesperson. It’s quite uncomfortable to watch. For the second year in a row, Jerry Lewis is our host; and for the first time, there’s an impressive, large stage set instead of the usual onstage drawing room.

George Seaton, as the Academy’s president, discusses the 50-year anniversary of cinema, emphasizing the global significance of contemporary films, subtly implying a contrast with television.

Lewis also touches upon this point. He remarks, «War and Peace set me back $9 million,» implying that it cost more than the actual war did. Moreover, he mentions that images have become too lengthy as well. In a recent instance, he «was unable to see all the pictures due to the fact that the child in front of me had grown taller.

The scene transitions to New York City featuring Celeste Holm. On the screen, they appear side by side, attempting a kiss that yields inconclusive results. Subsequently, Lewis delves into an extended imitation of Ed Sullivan.

The funniest thing I heard recently was this: I went to watch ‘Giant,’ it cost me $300. The ticket cost three dollars, but I had to pay $297 for the babysitter!

33. 1992 (the 64th Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal

In a striking appearance, Crystal portrays Hannibal Lecter wearing a mask and pushed in on a cart. Despite the change, he appears unaltered, yet his performance seems to grow more traditional with time. He mentions that films are «the only spots where you can find genuine imitation butter.» He also jokes, «A quadriplex is where you watch one movie but hear four sounds.» Laughter ensues! However, he gathers steam as he continues. According to him, Oliver Stone’s upcoming project is titled «The Men Who Shot Liberty Valance.

For the second time, he performs his well-known tune, «Oscar! Oscar!», which often involves reworking classic tunes like «Bugsy» becoming «Toot Toot Tootsie,» and so on. The final movie he addresses is Prince of Tides, ending with the joke, «Seven nominations on the shelf / Did this film direct itself?» (Streisand wasn’t nominated for Best Director.)

Tonight, a cartoon has been nominated for the first time, excluding the exception of Dan Quayle’s mention. (In this context, «Dan Quayle» is used as an example of someone or something that was not technically a cartoon but was still referred to as one.)

Ben Kingsley’s Roles: ‘Gandhi’ and ‘Lansky’, two individuals who shared a vision, both abstaining from consuming pork.

32. 1955 (the 27th Oscars)Hosts: Bob Hope and Thelma Ritter

As a devoted cinephile, I eagerly watch as the third televised awards kick off, the camera sweeping across the Pantages Theatre with nominations for each category etched onto the screen. It’s a bit monotonous, but it’s clear that this year belongs to «Sabrina,» «Rear Window,» and the eventual grand winner, «On the Waterfront.» Charles Brackett, a prominent figure in our industry whose collaborations with Billy Wilder on films like «Sunset Boulevard» are merely a fraction of his impressive career, steps forward as the president. He delivers a light-hearted speech, reading from a piece of paper. He warmly welcomes back Hope, who returns as his genial and flutey self. The excitement is palpable as we celebrate movies once again, after the brief «TV scare.» The show then cuts to New York, where Thelma Ritter gracefully emcees. Her image is beamed onto a stage above Hope’s, creating a captivating visual display.

As a passionate movie enthusiast, I can’t help but share this intriguing dialogue: «Hey, is Marilyn Monroe here?» I inquire. To which Ritter responds with a witty twist, «Yes, she’s arrived along with the Brothers Karamazov,» he says. You see, Monroe had expressed her desire to be part of an upcoming film adaptation, and this line cleverly references that.

Top Humorous Reference from the Entertainment World: «Studios are fiercely competing for popular narratives. Sam Goldwyn acquired ‘Guys and Dolls’. Leland Hayward claimed ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. Howard Hughes bought the Yalta Documents. The real question is which of these roles Jane Russell will portray in their productions.

31. 1994 (the 66th Oscars)Host: Whoopi Goldberg


This marks the first instance where a solo host for the awards is African American, Richard Pryor having co-hosted previously. Notably, this year’s big movies include «Schindler’s List,» «The Piano,» and «The Fugitive.» What an extraordinary moment!

Goldberg appears authentic on the show, but it seems more about her boldness than actual daring, a fact that might leave some viewers unconvinced. In her own words, «They gave me a live mic for three hours. Since Heidi Fleiss, no movie exec has sweated over a woman as much as they do me!» However, I can’t help but wonder if others share my feeling that she doesn’t quite nail the delivery? Her jokes often get swallowed, and her rhythm is peculiar. Moreover, there appears to be an excessive emphasis on how outrageous she will be, yet this never truly materializes.

Top Jest: «This year’s films tackled themes like oppression, mistreatment, uprisings, and people running for survival… And all of that was simply the ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It.’

A more palatable rephrasing could be: «Least Amusing Joke: Introducing Lorena Bobbitt to Bob Dole. Isn’t it questionable humor, given the context, to joke about an elderly war veteran with cognitive issues having a similar experience as Lorena Bobbitt?

30. 2004 (the 76th Oscars)Host: Billy Crystal

2003 is the year when «The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King» is expected to win the top accolades, accompanied by «Master and Commander,» «Lost in Translation,» and «Finding Nemo.

Crystal’s side-splitting first movie commences by him secretly recording inside a cinema. He discovers a ring within a box of Cracker Jack and is magically whisked into a Lord of the Rings production, with subtle references to Terminator, Seabiscuit, Pirates of the Caribbean, and numerous other films. The Smeagol scene is amusing; in full Gollum disguise, discussing hosting another Oscars ceremony with his reflection, he states:

It’s not wise for me to go! It’s been a long time ever since it fell under the control of those sinister wizards!»

«Oh, you mean the goblins?»
«No, the Weinsteins!»

[Coughs up hairball.]

«I shouldn’t go! It’s been ages since it was taken over by those wicked wizards!», «What about the orcs?», «No, I mean the Weinsteins!»)

Eventually, Jack Nicholson offers some advice, and Crystal steps onto the stage wearing Nicholson’s sunglasses and resumes his «Oscar! Oscar!» performance. In one of the verses, Crystal pays homage to the director of «Mystic River,» setting it to the tune of «Ol’ Man River,» but in the style of Al Jolson instead of Paul Robeson – essentially mimicking a performer who sang in blackface rather than the Black artist who made the song famous. It’s an unusual tribute. Notably, the lyrics went, «Clint Eastwood / You just keep rolling along.» Remarkably, Eastwood was around 75 at that time – and he has been nominated for Best Director two more times since then, making a total of four nominations.

As a passionate film enthusiast, let me express that the remaining parts are Crystal’s customary witty yet somewhat stereotypical jokes, such as the one about San Francisco’s vibrant LGBTQ+ community. However, there was an unexpected cleverness in the adaptation of «The Lord of the Rings,» creatively set to the melody of «My Favorite Things.» This unique rendition culminates with the heartfelt lines: «Every scene from The Lord of the Rings, I adore so deeply/ Last night, I eagerly downloaded it!

29. 2014 (the 86th Oscars)Host: Ellen DeGeneres


1st Scenario (Ellen DeGeneres’ words): «In the first instance, 12 Years a Slave takes home the Best Picture award. Alternatively, it could be that you’re all harboring unconscious bias.»

«If 12 Years a Slave wins Best Picture, then congratulations! However, if it doesn’t, let’s consider the possibility that we might have unnoticed racial prejudices.

Among the most intriguingly unusual contenders for the Best Picture Award is this year’s lineup, featuring films such as «12 Years a Slave,» «Dallas Buyers Club,» «Her,» and undeniably «Gravity,» which clinched the Best Director prize for Alfonso Cuarón.

This is Ellen DeGeneres’s second time hosting, but this time it seems even better. Despite maintaining her subtly unassuming persona, she continues to serve up small doses of wit and the absurd from a warm and inviting character.

Among the nominees present tonight, collectively, you’ve created around 1,400 movies. [Pause.] Additionally, you’ve spent approximately six years in higher education.

If you’re tuning in from afar, we’ve had some challenging days here due to persistent rainfall. Rest assured, we’re all doing well.

Mentioning Barkhad Abdi, the actor who portrayed a pirate in «Captain Phillips,» she points out that he hails from Somalia and also has a career as a sommelier!

Simply outstanding Liza Minnelli impression! Kudos to you for such a brilliant performance.

In a more refined and conversational manner: «Jonah Hill, recognized for ‘The Wolf of Wall Street.’ In that movie, you displayed an aspect I haven’t witnessed for quite some time, which was rather unexpected.» (He exposed himself on-screen during the film.)

28. 1967 (the 39th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope

It’s the year of The Man for All Seasons, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Alfie.

Initially, we have the Academy president, Arthur Freed. Subsequently, during the mid-60s, Bob Hope delivers his introduction for the event: «Welcome to this intermittent spectacle, a recurring event that’s in one moment here and gone the next — the 39th annual Academy Awards.» He was referring to another strike that had occurred. «What a month it’s been,» he jokes, «I didn’t just fail to secure a nomination, I got a splinter from a protest sign.» While he manages to make several quips, not all of them are particularly inventive.

Humorous Dilemma in Entertainment: «I found myself in an awkward position, being equally famous in films and on TV. [Laughs.] Tonight at dinner, I just puffed on a banana instead.» This could be a reference to smoking marijuana, perhaps humorously implying a confusion between smoking tobacco in a pipe (dinner) and vaping e-liquid (smoking a banana).

Movie Industry Night: «Tonight is the most significant event of the year for the film industry, as indicated by what’s printed in the TV Guide.

Politics: “Pretty soon we’re going to need another category: Best Performance by a Governor.”

Approach: «When Robert Wise was auditioning for The Sand Pebbles, he selected ten actors from one category and six from another.

Best Line: “Let’s get on with this farcical charade of vulgar egotism and pomposity.”

27. 2010 (the 82nd Oscars)Hosts: Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin


2010 marks the year when «Avatar,» the highest-grossing Best Picture nominee to date, squares off against «The Hurt Locker,» the Best Picture winner with the lowest earnings ever. While «Avatar» raked in a massive amount, «The Hurt Locker» made only about 1% of that and was directed by James Cameron’s former spouse, adding an interesting twist to the competition. It seems the academy is signaling its shift away from blockbusters with this clash. Additionally, «Precious,» «Inglourious Basterds,» and «Up in the Air» are also contenders for the prestigious award.

This event is known for illuminating all the stars and having them perform as the ceremony begins. It might seem trivial, but what’s special about the Oscars is that it compels even the most famous celebrities to comply with something they may not wish to do. Afterward, they are simply escorted to their seats!

Afterwards, there’s a tune by Neil Patrick Harris that is rather bland, and this critique becomes even more applicable when you consider the prison-rape joke. (It’s amusing, since when he bends over to retrieve the soap, someone sneaks up from behind him and… well, let’s just say they engage in an unwanted act!)

Subsequently, rather unsettlingly, we shift towards our hosts for the night, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, an average duo in this particular instance. The dynamic is that Martin maintains his refined persona while Baldwin takes most of the jabs. However, it’s all centered around familiar faces, such as George Clooney — whom they seem to glare at often — and Streep. «Meryl Streep holds the record for most nominations as an actor [actually, as an actress], or as I like to think of it, the most losses,» Martin jokes. At times, Martin’s playful silliness is amusing. «There’s that pesky Helen Mirren!» «That’s Dame Helen Mirren,» Baldwin corrects.

Funniest Industry Quip: Baldwin quips, «In ‘Precious,’ Gabourey Sidibe is told she’s worthless, that no one likes her, and she has no future. Funny thing, I share the same agency (Creative Artists Agency)! … And then Martin adds, «Gabourey and I have something in common; in our debut films, we were both portrayed as poor, black children born into this world.

Performance Piece: Martin: «In the film ‘Inglourious Basterds’, Christoph Waltz portrayed a Nazi relentlessly pursuing Jews. Quite fitting for him, wouldn’t you agree, Christoph!» [Gives a friendly wave and gestures to the audience]

26. 1968 (the 40th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope

The president of the Academy, Gregory Peck, stepped forward, his elegance undeniable. However, a somber demeanor was evident; Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated just a week prior, causing the ceremony to be delayed until after his funeral. The Academy’s Governors Ball was unfortunately canceled, and Peck’s monologue was meticulously reviewed. He acknowledged that two of the Best Picture nominees tackled race issues; specifically, In the Heat of the Night, which eventually won, and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Yet, he quickly shifted the conversation towards recent technological advancements before introducing the host, «a cherished national treasure known for puncturing pomposity.

In a humorous twist, Hope declares that he won’t strive for or accept an Oscar, mirroring Lyndon Johnson’s statement about not running for president in 1968. However, this is merely a prelude to his most memorable joke as host — a witty quip: «For years, I’ve been urging the Academy to have a conversation with me. Their response has always been consistent. They’ll engage in discussions if I stop delivering my jokes.

1968 was undeniably a groundbreaking year for cinema. Noteworthy nominees for Best Picture include «Bonnie and Clyde» and «The Graduate.» It’s hard to believe today, but «The Graduate,» aside from other accolades, was one of the most financially successful films ever made, generating approximately 3.75 billion dollars in current value. The humor of Hope’s quips can’t compare with the intensity of that era. As he put it, «The films this year are so steamy, PriceWaterhouse is handing out the names in a plain brown envelope.» In his words, «The Graduate» is «the tale of a student who didn’t join sports until he completed college.

Darkest Oscar joke: “Many an ugly face turns beautiful and many a beautiful face turns ugly.”

The scene resembles the job center in Palm Springs with minks, ermines, and diamonds.» The idea is that these items (minks, ermines, and diamonds) are typically associated with luxury or wealth, much like how a job center might be associated with unemployment or economic struggle.

25. 1951 (the 23rd Oscars)Host: Fred Astaire


1953 marked the debut of televised Oscars, airing the 1952 awards. However, I’ve stumbled upon a film from 1951, showcasing the 1950 awards on YouTube. Keep in mind that this was before TV had mastered the art of showmanship. Yet, there are glimmers of content that might have been unique for television back then and seem almost unimaginable today. There are two speeches in this film. The first is by Charles Brackett, who discussed the role of movies in our world. He spoke thoughtfully without resorting to tired clichés or emptiness.

Has any year ever been greeted with such a sense of relief by Americans? The year 1950, the year of [Russian Foreign Minister] Malik, the year that saw the reality of the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia become undeniable. The year when American lives were tragically lost in what seemed like a defeat. The year where bomb shelters for homes became common items advertised in local papers. Now, the significance and importance of that year has become clear. As a harsh wake-up call, it served to clarify our American values, making them stand out clearly amidst the insults and distrust…

Jesus. I don’t know what he was talking about, but I couldn’t stop listening.

He offers a heartfelt tribute to Fred Astaire, our gracious host, who, upon taking the stage, humbly refers to himself as «just a tap dancer with an extra pair of shoes.» As he peruses his speech, he acknowledges the «divine witticisms» in how films can influence reality.

Humorous Industry Riddle: «A woman in Florida watched a film, exited the theater, assaulted an officer, and shot a pharmacy employee. When asked about the entire situation in jail, she responded, ‘I always find Walter Pidgeon amusing.’

A growing form of amusement emerged, causing experts to remark that it was increasingly confining people indoors. I’m talking about Canasta here.

24. 2001 (the 73rd Oscars)Host: Steve Martin

2000 was a year where «Gladiator» by Ridley Scott made a significant impact, but he missed out on the Best Director Oscar. Instead, that award went to Steven Soderbergh for «Traffic.» This choice was made despite strong competition from Ang Lee for «Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon» and Soderbergh himself for «Erin Brockovich.»

In 2000, Ridley Scott’s «Gladiator» was a big deal, but he didn’t win the Best Director Oscar. Instead, it went to Steven Soderbergh for «Traffic,» even though Ang Lee’s «Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon» and Soderbergh’s own «Erin Brockovich» were also nominated.

The story begins with the astronauts in the International Space Station, who end by showing a cardboard figure of Steve Martin, which they release from the spacecraft. Switch to Martin stepping onto the stage at the Shrine for its final year as host. Martin has starred in numerous poorly received films – more than Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg combined – as well as follow-ups to those movies. However, he’s doing well tonight. Addressing the audience, he says, «With 800 million people watching worldwide, they all have the same thought: that we are all homosexual.

Martin’s opening is dominated by a lengthy, witty story about a dinner gathering at his house with Mel, Julia, Tom, and Gwyneth. They all engage in mundane discussions about each other’s films, reminiscent of Martin imagining his ideal scenario — a home-cooked meal with friends where they share thoughts on artistic endeavors.

He shows glimmers of his previous zest: «Perhaps films are excessively brutal. I recently took a 9-year-old child to watch Gladiator, and he cried throughout the entire movie. Perhaps it’s because he didn’t recognize me.

He concludes his speech with this graceful phrase: «Presenting at the Oscars is similar to courting a stunning beauty. I only get to do it when Billy Crystal isn’t around.

Maintaining a marriage in Hollywood can be challenging due to the abundance of encounters with various individuals.

«The Celluloid Closet»: «Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon» seems to be a trick performed by Siegfried and Roy during their leisure time.

Ellen Burstyn, unlike most actresses, intentionally gained 30 pounds and aged herself by 20 years for a role. Yet, Russell Crowe still showed interest in her.

23. 2018 (the 90th Oscars)

Host: Jimmy Kimmel


The following year, what would have been the most notorious Oscars moment prior to «The Slap» occurred — referring to the incident involving PricewaterhouseCoopers, Warren Beatty, and Faye Dunaway, who mistakenly announced «La La Land» as Best Picture instead of the actual winner, «Moonlight». Notably, Jimmy Kimmel, hosting for a second time, mentioned that the PwC chairman had emphasized their commitment to ensuring accurate cards were presented onstage during this event.

This year, when your name is announced, Jimmy Kimmel suggests that you don’t jump up immediately.

We’re still in the hangover of #OscarsSoWhite, which Kimmel acknowledges:

He notes that ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Wonder Woman’ were huge successes. It seems hard to believe now, but only a year ago, there were doubts in Hollywood about whether a female or ethnic minority character could headline a superhero film.

We’re now living in the time often referred to as the ‘Me Too’ movement. Guess who was expelled from the Academy? None other than Harvey Weinstein. There were many worthy contenders, but among them, Harvey arguably deserved exclusion the most.

He emphasizes that it’s time to put an end to unacceptable conduct. He points out that the world is observing us, so it’s crucial we lead by example. Moreover, if we manage to eradicate sexual harassment in our workplace, it will significantly reduce instances of such behavior elsewhere. Women should not have to face this issue everywhere they go.

In simpler terms, Jimmy Kimmel is saying that movies such as «Call Me by Your Name» aren’t made for financial gain; instead, they are created to provoke a reaction from people like Mike Pence.

In a political context, Jimmy Kimmel points out, «Oscar is 90 years old tonight,» which likely means he’s currently at home tuned into Fox News.

22. 1961 (the 33rd Oscars)Host: Bob Hope

1960 marked a pivotal year for cinema with the release of notable films such as «The Apartment,» «Psycho,» and «Butterfield 8.» Additionally, epic productions like «Exodus,» «The Alamo,» and «Spartacus» graced the screens. This decade would see the Academy grappling continually with television and shifting societal norms. The awards were now deemed «the most significant annual event in international entertainment,» as stated by the announcer. This was the inaugural ceremony at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. André Previn led the orchestra in a medley of Arthur Freed and Ignacio Herb Brown’s works, composers known for creating the score for «Singin’ in the Rain» among other productions. Furthermore, this was the first time the ceremony was broadcast on ABC.

Optimism has returned, and I believe this is the first time the show delves into humor surrounding notable releases: «There’s Exodus, a tale about the Republicans… The Apartment, chronicling Sinatra’s life… Sons and Lovers, focusing on Bing’s family.» (This last remark is rather chilly; Crosby’s son had recently married one of Crosby’s former love interests.)

Funniest Joke: «I hadn’t noticed any political activity was happening until I spotted my housekeeper wearing a Chill Wills pin.

Changing Times: I missed Never on Sunday; my teenage son said I wasn’t ready for it.”

«It seems more like a high-end fashion boutique for those seeking employment!» (This way, Hope can use it in future broadcasts while maintaining a light and friendly tone.)

TV Watch: “Movies are your best entertainment. Ask anybody who watches TV.”

Politics: «The program can be recorded for later viewing for any Russians who are currently in space (a reference to Soyuz 1)… They seem to be outdoing Disneyland, don’t they?… The Russians will be the first in space, but we have mint-flavored cigarettes… Whether or not it matters who’s first, if President Kennedy can persuade you of that, he should be here tonight.

A humorous take on the movie industry: «With motion picture shares hitting record levels and films performing exceptionally well, one might wonder what we’re up to in Santa Monica with half a dozen supporters?

Shtick: “And Sal Mineo [is nominated] for Exodus. I didn’t know he was bar mitzvahed!”

21. 1959 (the 31st Oscars)Hosts: Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Mort Sahl, Tony Randall, Bob Hope, David Niven, and Laurence Olivier

As a cinema enthusiast, I reminisce on an unforgettable night at the 1959 Academy Awards. John Wayne and William Holden, two cinematic giants, gracefully took the stage with their warm camaraderie. Holden, maintaining a straight face, made an intriguing claim that approximately a billion viewers were tuned in — quite a figure, I must say!

The year was marked by three phenomenal films: ‘I Want to Live!’, ‘The Defiant Ones’, and ‘Gigi’. The latter proved to be the night’s big winner. The orchestra, under the baton of Lionel Newman, Randy’s uncle, played a melody that filled the air.

One of the most memorable moments was an entertaining performance by Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas — two of the most rugged leading men at the time. They sang «It’s All Right With Us», a song that had everyone rooting for them (You can catch it around the 1:30 mark in the video above). Who wouldn’t find these fellows simply delightful?

Reports suggest they carried out the performance during the event, but it’s unclear whether it was live or pre-recorded. However, it appears they had previously performed a similar number, supposedly right before the announcement of the Best Actor award last year. You can watch that performance here.

In a return, Bob Hope quips, «For certain individuals, there may be tears and sorrow. But let’s steer clear of focusing on me. I’ve gained quite a reputation as the Pagliacci of the teleprompter.» There seems to be a touch of humor directed at his performances. «Look at that authenticity! It’s astonishing to see Susan Hayward in attendance tonight.» (She portrayed a condemned woman in ‘I Want to Live!’)

“I’m here against doctor’s orders,” Hope says. “He wanted my tickets.”

As it turned out, the program concluded with yet another iconic Oscars scene: They handed out the awards 20 minutes before the scheduled end of the broadcast, forcing the Academy to improvise.

As a film enthusiast, I’ve secured a role as a costume attendant on a Brigitte Bardot movie. The salary isn’t extravagant, but the perks are simply outstanding! (In «What’s New Pussycat?», Woody Allen humorously rephrased this, saying: «I landed a gig dressing the dancers at the Moulin Rouge for three francs a week.» Peter O’Toole: «That isn’t much!» Allen: «It’s all I can afford.»)

Evolution of Entertainment: Hope critiques «The Late Show» extensively, referring to the practice of airing old films late at night on this new medium. He also takes an early jab at TV’s habitless act of chopping films to fit the time slot. He humorously expresses his frustration by saying, «They edit those movies so haphazardly, I watched an old movie last night — it wasn’t even featuring Hope and Bing Crosby! It was ‘The Road to Morocco,’ starring Dr. Scholl’s foot pads, Vic Tanny, and a supporting cast of 45 products.

20. 1975 (the 47th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope

One of those eccentric Best Picture nominations from the 1970s included movies like «The Godfather Part II» and «The Conversation,» both directed by Francis Ford Coppola, as well as «Chinatown,» «Lenny,» and, somewhat awkwardly, «The Towering Inferno.» While in the 1990s, «The Towering Inferno» might have taken the trophy, thankfully, today’s Academy won’t make such an embarrassing choice. Instead, a Godfather film triumphs once more, and at last, Francis Ford Coppola receives his Best Director award.

At the start of the pre-show, there’s an introduction to a designer, though I couldn’t quite catch their name adorning Gena Rowlands. We then journey back to 1928, followed by a rather lengthy and dull recap of all the Best Picture winners since then, accompanied by each film’s poster. Lastly, after a series of grand opening numbers, Bob Hope reappears on stage, much to our relief.

Tonight, optimism prevails, but if you’re seeking proof that he was fundamentally an unremarkable performer, look no further than the absence of any reference to Richard Nixon, who had stepped down the previous August. In fact, later in the evening, Hope became enraged when the winners of the Best Documentary award for the Vietnam War documentary «Hearts and Minds» criticized U.S. involvement. He wouldn’t return for quite some time after that incident.

On the Montage: “I get the funny feeling I have a son I’ve never met.”

Shtick: “Chinatown got 11 nominations: six from column A and five from column B.”

Best Joke: «How could one honor excellence in audio and overlook the hilarious soundtrack from the ‘Blazing Saddles’ campfire scene?

In politics, we’ve recently witnessed the conclusion of several high-profile partnerships, such as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Sonny and Cher, and Henry Kissinger and Anwar Sadat.

It’s clear that numerous women spent their afternoon at the salon getting their hair styled, as some now sport freshly done hairstyles (with reference to the movie ‘Shampoo’ recently released).

19. 2003 (the 75th Oscars)Host: Steve Martin

Steve Martin is once again taking on the role as host. It’s evident that Martin outshines both Crystal and Goldberg. He appears to have a genuine dislike for some aspects of life, and his wit, consistently following one another, is relentlessly sharp.

He expressed satisfaction with the reduction in extravagance, even amid a lavish backdrop. Incidentally, the earnings from tonight’s Academy Awards broadcast are set to be distributed amongst major companies.

He mentions the first Oscars, 75 years previous. “Of course, Joan Rivers was outside.”

As a movie enthusiast, I’ve got a feeling that «The Pianist» will take home the Best Director award at next year’s Oscars, but it’s ironic because Roman Polanski, who’s been living abroad due to legal issues, will be the one accepting the prize. In his upcoming monologue, Martin jokingly says, «Roman Polanski’s here… grab him!» This joke is amusing because Polanski, a man with a history of isolating, drugging, sexually assaulting, and raping a 13-year-old girl, has been away from the U.S. ever since these events took place.

As I scanned the crowded auditorium, my eyes landed on a familiar face hidden away at the very back. It was none other than Mickey Rooney, once a shining star who graced 38 states with his presence. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of remorse that we couldn’t secure a better seat for him, especially considering the hulking figure of Vin Diesel sitting prominently up front. «Mickey,» I called out, «I apologize for the less-than-ideal seating, but as you can see, Vin Diesel is here.

Considering downsizing in the film sector, he advises, «Follow Tom Cruise’s example. Every week, save a million dollars. By the end of the year, you’ll have a small financial buffer.

Martin claims that Miramax went to great lengths to ensure that the film, «Chicago,» received a nomination. Here’s what he alleges they did, and I’d like to know your thoughts on whether it’s reasonable or not. [With a tone of disapproval] They produced an exceptionally good movie that garnered widespread appreciation.

As a lover of the arts, I jokingly mused, «If we find ourselves in an unexpected situation with dwindling resources, it’s the writers, directors, and actors who would be next on the menu — at least, that’s the pecking order I’d suggest!

Jack Nicholson had quite an eventful year. He shared a hot tub with Kathy Bates in the movie ‘About Schmidt’. However, one might say that such an incident is not uncommon for many people.

As a passionate cinephile, I’d rephrase «The Celluloid Closet 2:» «Some folks in Tinseltown took offense at the term ‘gay mafia.’ To them, I simply say, Gentlemen, let’s avoid any unnecessary underwear-related stress.

18. 1996 (the 68th Oscars)Host: Whoopi Goldberg


As a movie enthusiast, I find myself reminiscing about the Oscars in the 1990s — a time that, quite frankly, left me longing for more cinematic depth. This year, unfortunately, follows suit as we’re once again faced with a sea of mediocrity, with the least inspiring of the Best Picture nominees, «Braveheart», taking the grand prize. Most of the other contenders this time around are merely forms of entertainment rather than groundbreaking films. However, there were a few exceptions: «Leaving Las Vegas», «Casino», and «The Usual Suspects» stood out as beacons of quality in an otherwise bleak landscape.

Whoopi Goldberg returns once more, kicking off with a humorous commentary on handling countless political-ribbon solicitations: «It’s not right to expect a Black woman to invest in an extravagant gown only to adorn it with ribbons!

It seems she’s expressing approval with «Alec Baldwin — bravo baby!», but this praise might not be the most helpful sentiment considering it appears to be in response to him punching a photographer, which may not be the kind of support he requires.

As a fan, I must say, the narratives of remarkable women stood out this year. Elisabeth Shue, Mira Sorvino, and Sharon Stone all portrayed strong characters in roles that were far from ordinary — each of them took on the challenging part of a hooker. It makes me wonder, how many times did Charlie Sheen get to vote on such compelling performances?

Politics: “We have Pat Buchanan, the original Boy in the Hood.”

Best Joke: [On Showgirls] “I haven’t seen so many poles mistreated since World War II!”

17. 2008 (the 80th Oscars)Host: Jon Stewart

To celebrate Oscar’s 80th birthday, the Academy creates an exceptional opening sequence. They blend characters from a hundred years of films into the LA cityscape as a pickup truck speeds through town. You’ll spot iconic figures like King Kong, Transformers, and the riders from Easy Rider; Cary Grant in North by Northwest, Costner in Dances with Wolves, and perhaps Peter O’Toole, who might be from Goodbye Mr. Chips. It’s a breathtaking display of technology, and also the careful negotiation of rights permissions. In the end, the panel truck is revealed to be driven by Schwarzenegger, carrying a priceless cargo of Oscars.

For the very first time, our host is Jon Stewart. Previously, there was a prolonged writers’ strike, but luckily, it got resolved prior to the show. As Stewart welcomes us, he jokes, «Welcome to the makeup session.

Let’s pause for a moment before we devote the next four to five hours exchanging golden statues, to acknowledge and congratulate ourselves instead.

He observes the intense competition during the Democratic primaries between Clinton and Obama. «Typically, when a woman or a person of color assumes the presidency, it’s often preceded by a prediction that an asteroid will strike the Statue of Liberty.

To put it another way, ‘Atonement’ portrays the intensity and sensuality found on Yom Kippur. [Pause for laughter.] Yes, I imagine that’s resonating with those of Jewish faith among us.

Top Joke: «Even the movie ‘Norbit’ received a nomination. It seems the Academy frequently overlooks films … that lack quality.

In the film titled «Away From Her,» the story revolves around a woman who unintentionally loses memories of her own husband. Hillary Clinton described this heartwarming production as the standout film of the year.

16. 1982 (the 54th Oscars)Host: Johnny Carson

In New York, it’s currently 9 p.m., so people will likely stay awake until close to 1 a.m. _Reds_ is currently leading, but it’s predicted that _Chariots of Fire_ will win Best Picture and Warren Beatty will only receive the award for Best Director. Historically, it was rare for the two top awards to be given to different recipients; it happened approximately once every ten years. However, recent trends have shown a change in this pattern: The awards have been split four out of the last five years!

This year also marks the premiere of movies like «On Golden Pond», «Atlantic City», and «Raiders». Notable appearances include Jaws from the James Bond series, followed by Bill Conti playing snippets from popular soundtracks, leading to his own Academy Award-winning rendition of the «Rocky» theme. The academy president, Fay Kanin, mentions that an estimated 350 million viewers will tune in, including those in Australia. As she discusses the marvels of our communication systems, there’s an unexpected audio interruption.

After that, we’ll have Carson here — at his full height. As it is raining heavily, he suggests handing out squeegees to everyone. He jokes humorously, «I see $40,000 worth of hairstyles slipping away on the wet streets outside.

As I gaze towards the silver screen, eagerly anticipating the year ahead, I’m thrilled to share that a bountiful harvest of novel and captivating movies awaits us: Superman 3, Death Wish 3, Rocky 4, and Herpes 2, among others.

It appears that this year marks the 54th instance of this particular awards show, interestingly enough, making it the 54th awards event of the current year itself. Following the ‘Golden Bucket Award’ given out by popcorn manufacturers, perhaps we could take a break from hosting awards shows for the remainder of the year.

My Take on a Humorous Industry Observation: «It’s no secret that the entertainment world is quite competitive. You might find it intriguing to learn about the number of nominations different entities received recently. For instance, Gulf and Western garnered an impressive 35 nods, Coca-Cola managed 6, Atari clocked in at 8, while Kinney Shoes secured 3.

In a somewhat different phrase, here’s one option: «Hollywood seems to be facing criticism for lack of diversity in filmmaking. Nowadays, it appears that the majority of actors who are finding work in this industry belong to ethnic minorities.

Best Joke: «The days of innocence have faded away. In 1981, Superman had his first intimate encounter, Zorro came out as gay, and Mary Poppins went without her usual modest attire. In a particularly memorable scene from the movie S.O.B., Julie Andrews reminded us that the hills are still lively.

In a popular movie this year, the duo of Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn captivated audiences everywhere — except for Interior Secretary James Watt, who today gave his approval for offshore drilling at Golden Pond.

15. 1965 (the 37th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope


Year after year, the VIP area at the awards ceremony grows more extravagant. (I imagine it required a significant amount of effort in the past to film, process, edit, and prepare the footage for broadcast, complete with voice-over commentary, hours or even minutes later.) It seems Army Archerd, who was a writer for Variety and would go on to be well-known for his pre-ceremony interviews with celebrities on the red carpet, made his first appearance here. Some people might say he was a bit too touchy-feely. In this scene, you can spot Jane Fonda, freshly back from her stay in France, along with director Roger Vadim, as she resumed her acting career in Hollywood (with Barbarella still a few years away). The opening number was «I Could Have Danced All Night» from My Fair Lady, which would eventually win Best Picture. We see plenty of shots of stars Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn throughout the broadcast. This was also the year of Dr. Strangelove, A Hard Day’s Night, and Mary Poppins.

During President Arthur Freed’s speech, a noticeable air of refinement pervades the broadcast; as he mentions «stars from times past,» the camera focuses on Buster Keaton, just prior to his passing.

This impressive man, Bob Hope, is hosting for the 12th time. He described it as ‘Santa Monica on the Thames.’ In essence, tonight, Hollywood is distributing international aid (since many acting nominees are from Britain).

Best Joke:My Fair Lady was good, if you like foreign-language pictures.”

Evolution of Cinema: «They produced a film titled Fanny Hill; they perceived it as depicting mountain climbing … Marriage Italian Style can be seen as a Peyton Place, but with an Italian twist.

Politics: «Incidentally, we’ll be organizing a donation drive tonight to assist President Johnson with his tax payments.

14. 2005 (the 77th Oscars)Host: Chris Rock

In this contemporary Oscars event, they paid tribute to «Ray», «Sideways», and «Million Dollar Baby». Billy Crystal made a comeback once since then, but this time around, Chris Rock is our host. This opening monologue, often criticized as one of the harshest, has been significantly edited in the Academy’s YouTube post.

After numerous years of Crystal and Goldberg, Rock’s humor was a breath of fresh air, but there might be some truth to the claim that it was excessively harsh. If you’re hanging out with friends in a bar, it’s amusing to joke, «Isn’t Jude Law in every single movie produced these days?» However, it’s a different story when you’re hosting an actors’ awards show.

His main point emphasized the distinction between authentic celebrities and those who merely enjoy temporary popularity. In his words, «Clint Eastwood embodies a true star,» while «Tobey Maguire is simply a man in tights.

And then:

If your preference is Tom Cruise but you’re only offered Jude Law, it might be worth waiting. After all, who is Jude Law? It seems like he’s been appearing in almost every movie I’ve watched over the past four years. It’s as if he’s everywhere, even when he’s not acting, his name pops up in the credits as a producer or contributor in some way. He really does seem to be involved in everything.

Later, Rock takes aim at Bush; he praises him as brilliant, claiming his success in being re-elected. «Upon entering the presidency, the country had a budget surplus. However, now we’re facing a staggering $70 trillion deficit,» he notes.

Imagine you work at a store like the Gap, finish your day, and find out there’s a whopping $70 trillion missing from your register. Most people would face consequences for such an oversight. But not Bush! In this scenario, let’s imagine the Gap launching a campaign against Banana Republic over supposedly harmful banana-patterned tank tops that don’t even exist.

The critic, who is known for targeting all groups equally, also mocks African American actors like Cuba Gooding Jr., and harshly criticizes films produced within the black community.

As a movie enthusiast, I can’t help but notice a pattern in the naming of many Black films that seems unusual to me. Instead of unique titles, we often see names that describe a location or activity, like «Barbershop,» «Cookout,» and «Car Wash.» It feels like we’ve been watching the same type of movies for the past 40 years! And it seems like the next one on the list will be «Laundromat,» followed by «Check Cashing Place.» I wish they would start using more creative titles to reflect the richness and diversity in our stories.

In response to some criticism, Jude Law’s comments drew ire from several people. Later in the program, Sean Penn expressed, «Jude Law is undeniably one of our top-tier actors.» Over a decade passed before Rock was invited to return to the show.

13. 1962 (the 34th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope

1961 marks the year of «Judgment at Nuremberg» and «West Side Story», along with an unprecedented act by George C. Scott — declining his first Oscar nomination for his role in «The Hustler». Mary Costa, a soprano with a powerful voice and a penchant for trilling her ‘r’s, leads the crowd in the national anthem, «The Star-Spangled Banner». This performance is part of the «Oscar Fantasy Overture Number One», a humorous title for a medley of past Oscar winners, culminating in a grand rendition of the «Exodus» theme. Academy president Wendell Corey warns the audience with a hint of seriousness, «While we hope you will have fun, this is primarily a news event». He introduces Hope as the «nicest man in town».

Greetings! You’re entering the realm of ‘Judgment at Santa Monica,'» Hope cheerfully notes. «The grandeur of Hollywood cinema finds its way to your screens… all the way from Santa Monica!» At that time, the film industry was quite skeptical about television. There were many jests about films being produced abroad. «We’re overjoyed that Grace Kelly is returning from Monte Carlo. Can you believe it? A princess gracing our silver screen! It serves as a testament to the fact that money truly has no class distinctions.

He’s still expressing his displeasure regarding not being nominated for an Oscar: «Besides that, I recently found out they’ve covered the star on Hollywood Boulevard with a manhole cover!

Best joke: “Everyone’s here except George Scott. He’s at home with his back to the set.”

«Spyros Skouras found himself at a crucial point, much like Shakespeare’s character, pleading for help. He was the head of 20th Century Fox, and he was almost sinking the studio due to excessive spending on Elizabeth Taylor’s ‘Cleopatra’ production.»

12. 2017 (the 89th Oscars)Host: Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel returns as host for this year’s show airing on ABC (Sunday, March 4th), having made his initial appearance last year. The finale, you may recall, was marked by a blunder that could arguably be the most monumental mistake in award ceremony history, if not the annals of history itself. As I sat at home alone with my computer, I felt as though it might catch fire due to the intense reactions on Twitter regarding the unfolding events on-screen.

It’s important to remember that the film «La La Land» won six accolades, with Damien Chazelle taking home Best Director. During the Best Picture announcement, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were the presenters. Beatty seemed puzzled after opening the envelope, taking a moment before handing it off to Dunaway, who announced «La La Land.» After two minutes of chaos, it was revealed that they had been given the wrong envelope; the actual winner was «Moonlight.» Despite the confusion, everyone involved handled the correction gracefully. I’m emphasizing this event because it wasn’t discussed enough: Warren Beatty bears primary responsibility for the mix-up. He held the envelope and noticed something amiss, yet he didn’t verify the information before passing it to Dunaway. Given his age (he was nearly 80 at the time) and extensive experience in awards ceremonies, one would expect him to be more cautious and ensure everything was correct before handing over the envelope.

In a simpler manner, Kimmel performs admirably by just being himself, hitting a few gentle home runs and occasionally expressing disdain when it’s appropriate. When discussing the country’s division, he quips, «There’s only one Braveheart in here, and he’s not going to bring us together either.» Addressing Melanie, he jokes, «You look fantastic. I think the Scientology is agreeing with you.

To instigate their contrived conflict with Matt Damon, he casually mentions his film «The Great Wall,» an unusual action-monster movie from the historical era, which was not successful.

Many of his jokes revolve around the fact that not many people have seen most of this year’s nominees: «There were a lot of tear-jerkers this year. The only uplifting story among all the nominees was found in the heart of Moonlight. [A hint of laughter] I take it you missed that one, didn’t you?

Politics: Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist?”

In Hollywood, we warmly embrace strangers. Regardless of their origin, everyone is treated equally. However, our considerations might be influenced by factors such as age and body weight.

11. 2009 (the 81st Oscars)Host: Hugh Jackman


Hugh Jackman creatively comes up with an impromptu opening number due to budget constraints caused by the recession. He showcases the nominees — Slumdog, The Reader, Frost/Nixon, Milk, and Benjamin Button — using a variety of cardboard props, impressing everyone with his performance. As he enacts the Slumdog Millionaire scene, he sings, «I’d swim through a sea of human waste…» to Kate Winslet.

Jackman exudes an exceptional charm reminiscent of a refreshing spring shower. He’s not just an actor; he sings, he dances… and his intelligence extends to employing more skilled comedy writers than Billy Crystal. Anne Hathaway also delivers a captivating guest appearance.

I attended a screening of «The Reader», but there was a queue full of people re-watching «Iron Man».

10. 1953 (the 25th Oscars)Host: Bob Hope


This was the first Academy Awards ceremony broadcast on television. The scene opens with a sweeping view of Hollywood Boulevard, where you can spot Schwab’s Drugstore before the camera moves towards the Pantages Theatre. Charles Brackett is the president of the Academy at this time; after a brief introduction, Hope appears, fully conscious of the significance of the event. «Wives across America are telling their husbands to put on a shirt,» Hope jokes, «because Joan Crawford is coming over.

Discussion about television takes center stage in this monologue. Hope mentions that at age 25, Oscar should have gotten married. He adds that although Oscar has a child bride, it’s reassuring to know the child is wealthy. Thus, the relationship between the Academy and TV begins. In the 1950s and ’60s, the show was highly popular, racking up impressive ratings. Today, the viewership for award broadcasts, influenced by several factors, is significantly lower.

In this account, Hope seems overly fascinated with television, barely acknowledging the actual nominees. It’s almost as if one might miss that The Greatest Show on Earth by Cecil B. DeMille – often criticized as the worst Best Picture winner ever – would triumph against High Noon and Singin’ in the Rain. However, we can already spot some recurring themes from Hope’s future performances: his disappointment at not receiving an award («It’s just a bookend with a sneer»); his disdain for the extravagant attire of celebrities («It looks like a PTA meeting in Texas»); and the evident bitterness towards the losers.

Television Time: «Movies remain the finest form of entertainment; if you doubt that, simply ask Joe DiMaggio. You won’t find him hanging out with Kukla, Fran, and Ollie.» (Joe DiMaggio, the Yankee slugger, had recently made headlines by marrying Marilyn Monroe.)

9. 1995 (the 67th Oscars)Host: David Letterman


At the lowest point for the Academy Awards as a awards ceremony, when Forrest Gump surprisingly took the top prize over Pulp Fiction in its year, notable films included The Shawshank Redemption, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and Red by Kieslowski. In this instance, even the Best Screenplay award, which Pulp Fiction would have won, felt insufficient because Pulp Fiction’s strength lies in its cinematic qualities rather than its script. (Four Weddings and a Funeral, with a flawless script, should have claimed that category.) The event was hosted by David Letterman, who presented an unconventional yet occasionally biting monologue.

Originally, he faced years of mockery over his «Uma… Oprah!» joke, and rightly so, since it was rather foolish. However, he remains critical, especially towards DreamWorks SKG, which he scorned for several minutes. This venture, highly publicized at the time by Spielberg, Katzenberg, and Geffen, was a new company that seemed to forget Spielberg’s most lucrative film projects, leading it to face financial crises from time to time. Letterman humorously commented on DreamWorks SKG, distinguishing it from DreamWorks ETC, a place in the Valley where waterbeds are sold. He thought this was excellent for Hollywood because instead of worrying about their individual failures, one could now simply hope for their collective failure.

In summary, the speech by Crystal or Goldberg was remarkably unpredictable compared to what had been seen before. Yet, Late-night host Letterman’s quirky humor didn’t perfectly align with the show, which makes sense as he never returned.

Funniest Joke: «If Mr. Hiller is still present, there are individuals in the parking lot who’d love to discuss ‘Hoop Dreams’ with him.» (The infamous absence of this acclaimed documentary eventually led to changes in the Academy’s documentary nomination policies.)

Additionally, the movie «Eat Drink Man Woman» is among the nominees for Best Foreign Film. Interestingly enough, this was the method Arnold Schwarzenegger used to invite Maria Shriver on their initial date.

8. 1979 (the 51st Oscars)Host: Johnny Carson


1978 marked the year of «The Deer Hunter,» and in my opinion, this signified the Academy’s waning recognition of groundbreaking new cinema. The subsequent decades, with a few notable exceptions, would primarily honor family-friendly, conventional, or low-quality films. This ranged from «Kramer vs. Kramer» to «Driving Miss Daisy,» and from «Gandhi» to «Braveheart.

Initially, Jane Fonda, Raquel Welch, Gary Busey (already seeming eccentric), and a younger Jon Voight appear on screen.

In the beginning, we find Jane Fonda, Raquel Welch, an early version of the eccentric-looking Gary Busey, and a pre-controversial Jon Voight.

Both sentences convey the same information in easy-to-understand language while maintaining a natural flow.

The stage is enormous, with the orchestra positioned high on rotating towers. After a while, we hear the well-known theme from Star Wars. Initially, the pace of the show is leisurely; it takes eight minutes before Howard Koch, president of the Academy, appears for the first time. Eventually, Johnny Carson comes on stage, subtly acknowledging various figures, and in doing so, he modernizes the Academy for the late 2000s, even though he lacked a deep understanding of film as an art form (much like Hope).

As a film enthusiast, I’d rephrase it as follows: «Kicking things off with a jab at political rhetoric, I voice my support for various causes, such as promoting the representation of Native Americans, standing against cruel practices like seal hunting, and championing whale conservation.» (Similar to how Whoopi Goldberg humorously addressed similar topics decades later.)

He assures «a dazzling two-hour segment interspersed within a four-hour performance.» He observes, «Many unfamiliar ones are present. More so among the unfamiliar ones.

He introduces a man of Chinese origin for a brief conversation. At this moment, Carson remarks, «This might not mean much to you, but Deng Xiaoping is currently quite emotional.

Politics: «Could it be that Jerry Brown and Linda Ronstadt are observing from their Kenya Holiday Inn stay, as they were likely to grace the cover of Newsweek magazine that month?» (The duo was in Africa at that time.)

Best Aviation Joke: He mentions that the upcoming movie Airport ’80 will be a gripping drama, where passengers on board a Boeing 747 are taken hostage for two weeks, as a crazy individual repeatedly plays the movie Love in the Afternoon, which was infamously known as Lily Tomlin and John Travolta’s Gigli of its time.

Additionally, this program is airing in South America as well, allowing some ex-accountants and studio executives from previous years to tune in and catch a piece of the show.

Politics: «The tune ‘Prepared to Roll the Dice Once More’ was chosen as the theme melody for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

7. 1980 (the 52nd Oscars)Host: Johnny Carson


1980 marks the year of «Kramer vs. Kramer», «Norma Rae», and «10»; concluding with an excerpt from «Bolero». Johnny Carson has returned to our screens. One amusing segment involves him querying the audience about their preference between two wallpaper samples; his spouse is indecisive. «It may seem trivial, but in this town, a marriage is worth preserving.

In my opinion, he’s really shining tonight! He reads off a few headlines, one of them being the intriguing tale of Elvis Presley working as a dental hygienist in Billings, Montana. These stories come from the notorious National Enquirer, which I liken to the infamous Pinto car — prone to explosive reactions when faced with even minor collisions. This comparison is apt, considering the ongoing libel suit that Carol Burnett is waging against the paper; a legal battle she surprisingly managed to win.

Justin Henry, the 8-year-old nominee from «Kramer vs. Kramer,» stands out in Hollywood as he is not mentioned in Britt Ekland’s memoirs.)

In the intense, self-exploratory stage of Fosse’s biopic, «All That Jazz,» it is revealed that his inflated ego had infiltrated every part of his physical being.

And: The show will be seen “in the Arab states of Syria, Lebanon, and Beverly Hills.”

In less populated, disconnected regions where individuals lack social interaction, the program is currently being aired. I trust that you, President Carter, are also enjoying it.

The fact that the only enduring relationship is found in «La Cage Aux Folles» speaks volumes about our current era. One might even wonder if compelling female characters are no longer being written.

Dumbest Joke: Dolly Parton, he says, will soon be filming Mammary vs. Mammary.

Humorous Observation About Movies: «Nowadays when you watch a film, the opening credits may say something like ‘Warner Communications, in partnership with the National Kinney Corporation, an affiliate of ITT, brings you a Gulf and Western production.’ And what’s the storyline? It’s about Jane Fonda criticizing big corporations!

6. 1970 (the 42nd Oscars)Host: Bob Hope


Tonight, «Marcus Welby M.D.» and «The Dick Cavett Show» won’t air, but instead, we’re treated to a spectacular montage of many famous faces from the Oscars — Stanwyck, Cooper, Raft, Brando, and more.


Instead of seeing «Marcus Welby M.D.» and «The Dick Cavett Show» tonight, we’re given an extraordinary collection of images featuring numerous stars at the Oscars — Stanwyck, Cooper, Raft, Brando, and others.

Additionally, here’s an interesting disclaimer: «Despite the ratings of the films discussed tonight, all clips have been carefully edited for this broadcast.» This statement is made in 1969, a year marked by the unusual win of the X-rated film Midnight Cowboy for Best Picture. Other notable films from that year include They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, Z, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Easy Rider.

Gregory Peck, as the head of the Academy, steps forward to inform us that an estimated 250 million viewers across 40 different countries would tune in to the show. This implies that the Oscars have grown into a significant global news event. To emphasize this shift from a private gathering to a widespread spectacle, he mentions that there are approximately 3,172 Academy members.

From the get-go, he’s at ease, jamming with the fresh new wave of blue cinema. «Tonight is the dividing line between the true men and The Band of Boys.» (That was the boldly explicit gay film from Hollywood at that time, which had just premiered.)

And: «Did you ever imagine seeing Richard Burton portray both a king and a queen?» (It turned out he was in a movie called Staircase, where he played Christopher Plummer’s lover.)

And: «This cinematic season will be remembered as the one that taught us crime doesn’t pay, but you can rake in a fortune with adultery, incest, and homosexuality.

Unusual Instance: In a comical twist, Hope appears on stage with a patch over one eye, mimicking John Wayne’s character from the film «True Grit,» for which he won the Best Actor Oscar that year. However, Hope then gives him the patch and addresses him as «Moishe,» implying he should go out and sell some shirts. This might be a reference to the yarmulke, a Jewish head covering.

Reframing Thoughts: «Don’t you miss the good old days when action movies were westerns and their scores were actual music? Now, if High Noon were remade today, it would be about a lunch break in a middle school. And as for The Sterile Cuckoo, I used to think that depicted the life of Tiny Tim!» … «It’s quite refreshing to see so many actors and actresses fully clothed these days.

Funniest Joke: «A movie theater owner mentioned that he’s been popping corn for half a year now, and yet he hasn’t even connected the popcorn machine to an electricity source.

5. 1977 (the 49th Oscars)Hosts: Richard Pryor, Ellen Burstyn, Chevy Chase, Jane Fonda, and Warren Beatty


This year’s Academy Awards selection promises a refreshing change after last year’s theatrical performance. The nominees for Best Picture are truly remarkable: «Taxi Driver», «Bound for Glory», «Network», and «All the President’s Men». While «Rocky» may be the winner, it is not on par with at least three of these contenders. The ceremony begins with an opening dance number by Ann-Margret, a performer known for her roles in «Viva Las Vegas» with Elvis Presley and nominated for Best Actress in Ken Russell’s «Tommy». She still possesses legs that reach the ground. The song is titled «Magic Circle (It All Started in Someone’s Head)», which is self-explanatory. It features a contemporary dance style, complete with an electric guitar solo.

Subsequently, it was Richard Pryor who made the initial contemporary assault against the institution. He did this by speaking in a simpleton’s tone, stuttering slightly and mispronouncing words, effectively jolting the Academy with his actions.

“I’m here tonight to explainWhyNo Black people will everbe nominated
for anything.

We are going to stop entertaining. That will show you.

There are only two Black people in the Academy
Sydney Poh-tee-er and Harry Belafont-i-man.”

Next is Chevy Chase, who might be the first postmodern comic to grace the Oscars stage. He produces an envelope from his pocket and declares, «The victor in the category of Most Peculiar Film Remake in 1976 … To Sir With Like. The title is peculiar, and it’s not particularly humorous, but I’m simply attempting to secure as much screen time as possible.

The Academy hadn’t attempted something quite like this before, and while it might not be exceptional, Chase follows the Academy’s guidelines and employs some imaginative elements.

4. 2006 (78th Oscars)Host: Jon Stewart


The opening segment on tape is incredibly funny. It shows a series of past hosts declining the role this year, including Billy Crystal, who’s seen in a tent reminiscent of «Brokeback Mountain» with Chris Rock. In the end, we meet… Jon Stewart, who starts off in bed with Halle Berry and then George Clooney. Stewart’s monologue is quick-witted and takes jabs at Hollywood, as well as himself repeatedly. «Tonight,» he says, «we honor films… with me, the fourth male lead in ‘Death to Smoochy’.

In this gathering [subtly dramatic pause], there are women who, with great resilience, adorn themselves in attire barely sufficient to veil their elegance. I acknowledge that George Clooney has been honored multiple times for the film ‘Good Night, and Good Luck’, not only reflecting Edward R. Murrow’s closing words but also symbolizing the end of every one of his engagements. And, in a playful manner, I nudge the legendary Steven Spielberg, mentioning ‘Schindler’s List’ and the nominated ‘Munich’. As a Jew, I share our collective anticipation for what’s next to unfold.

Stewart likewise adopts a more serious tone: «I’ve spent over a week here and had a fantastic time. However, many people claim that this town is too liberal, detached from contemporary America, a hedonistic playground devoid of faith, a 21st-century version of Sodom and Gomorrah by the sea, a moral vacuum where purity is destroyed in an endless spree of sex, self-indulgence, and materialism.

The house is quiet, awaiting the punch line.

Stewart mentions, «I’m not sharing a joke right now, but I wanted to let you know that many people are expressing this thought.

In the Shifting Tides: «Ladies, Gentlemen… Meet Felicity.» (Notable performance of Felicity Huffman as a transgender woman in the movie Transamerica.)

Also: “Capote shows America that not all gay people are virile cowboys.”

Most Hearty Laughter:«Björk wasn’t able to attend tonight. She was in the process of fitting her Oscar gown when an incident involving Dick Cheney occurred.

3. 1984 (the 56th Oscars)Host: Johnny Carson


In the pulsating ’80s vibe, I find myself amidst a sea of stars. Jennifer Beals, Christie Brinkley, and Matthew Broderick are gracefully gliding on the red carpet. Amy Irving, who was nominated for Yentl, is arm-in-arm with the soon-to-be Mr. Spielberg. Barbra Streisand claims that Spielberg declared Yentl as «the best film I’ve seen since Citizen Kane,» a statement I find rather far-fetched. Rumor has it that the Irving divorce drained Spielberg of an astounding $100 million, despite a prenup scribbled on a napkin being rejected by the court. However, I’m veering off course. This year is a cinematic extravaganza with Flashdance, WarGames, The Return of the Jedi, The Big Chill gracing our screens, but the true victor this year is none other than Terms of Endearment.

As a die-hard movie enthusiast, I was thrilled to see Quincy Jones back at the helm this year, especially after the disappointing production number with Liza Minnelli, Dudley Moore, Walter Matthau, and Richard Pryor that didn’t make it to the screens last time. Luckily, Carson returned to host, adding a touch of sparkle to the event. However, Academy President Gene Allen’s announcement that 500 million people would be tuning in was followed by one of the most tedious speeches any president has ever given. It felt like watching a stoned guy standing in a Taco Bell drive-through lane, struggling to decide what to order.

In the end, Carson made an appearance, on the hunt for a bear. He quipped, «It’s quite exhilarating for me to show up somewhere without being summoned.» Throughout his prolonged period of fame, Carson went through several marriages and divorces, which often served as a running joke due to their reported high costs.

As a movie enthusiast, I can confidently say that enduring the ups and downs of his latest union was comparable to navigating this year’s cinematic landscape. It began with the heartwarming sincerity of «Terms of Endearment.» I believed I had found my perfect match, just like I thought I had the right skills for it. However, it took a significant investment, much like the costly acquisition of «The Right Stuff.»

Then came the unexpected twists and turns, reminiscent of «The Big Chill,» leaving me questioning everything. Now, I find myself yearning for the compassionate understanding that only «Tender Mercies» can provide.

According to him, the voting outcomes are exclusively known by Price, Waterhouse, and an exceptionally bright teenager from Omaha who managed to access their system on Thursday.

A year ago, who would have imagined that you could offer a full-figured bra to Mariel Hemingway? (This is apparently a comment about how Hemingway’s body appeared in ‘Personal Best’ and later in ‘Star 80’, when she played Dorothy Stratten.)

In the climactic scene of the movie «Silkwood,» Kurt Russell tenderly requests Meryl Streep to extinguish the bedside lamp by saying, «Sweetheart, could you please turn off the night light?» However, she responds that there isn’t one.

As James Bond is starting to age, they’ve equipped him with a hidden cyanide capsule in case he falls into enemy hands.

Funniest Line: There’s a buzz about the Oscars all over Los Angeles, according to Carson. Even the women working on Sunset Boulevard are holding signs reading «For Your Attention».

2. 2016 (the 88th Oscars)Host: Chris Rock


In a striking white tuxedo against what can only be described as the most awe-inspiring Oscars stage ever designed, Chris Rock speaks out forcefully, delivering a blistering, unapologetic monologue at a time when tensions were running high amidst the #OscarsSoWhite debate. However, it’s worth noting that some of his criticisms may have been misplaced: the focus should be on Hollywood’s hiring practices, which in recent years have become more diverse, rather than the Oscars themselves, which have been progressively reflective since the new millennium.

Greetings at the White People’s Choice Awards! If they considered hosts for these awards, I wouldn’t be standing here. Interestingly, over the past two decades, the Oscars have actually been hosted by an African American 25% of the time. It’s quite intriguing that only those without jobs are the ones advising me to quit something.

However, much like you’d anticipate, he swiftly focuses on the main concern: the connection between Hollywood and Black individuals as a collective industry. Rock’s remarks sparked quite a reaction. He highlighted that the debate over Black nominees is a relatively modern issue. In contrast, during the 1960s, there were more pressing matters at hand — such as being raped and lynched. At that time, we didn’t have the luxury to concern ourselves with awards like Best Cinematographer.

Funniest Joke: «This year, the ‘In Memory Of’ segment will only include African Americans who were fatally shot by police officers on their way to watch a movie.

Is this the most unkind joke about the Oscars? «Jada [Pinkett-Smith] refusing to attend the Oscars is like me avoiding Rihanna’s lingerie. [Audience gasps.] I wasn’t invited!

Adding to the Discussion: «I can’t help but feel it’s unfair that Will Smith wasn’t nominated for ‘Concussion’. And let me add, it’s also not right that he was paid $20 million for ‘Wild Wild West.’

Funniest Industry Joke: «There’s no need for separate male and female categories in acting. It’s not like a sports event where competitors race against each other! Robert De Niro never said, ‘I should pace myself so Meryl Streep can catch up!’

1. 2015 (the 87th Oscars)Host: Neil Patrick Harris


It’s logical for the academy to offer repeat show participants a fresh opportunity, as they may have been nervous initially but can now benefit from their past experiences, improve upon their mistakes, and aim even higher. For instance, Neil Patrick Harris, who delivers his second dance performance tonight and assumes full hosting responsibilities for the first time, is practically flawless in his execution.

Unlike Crystal, Goldberg, and Martin, he doesn’t feel it necessary to repeatedly emphasize his past experiences. Instead, he exudes such confidence that he immediately follows with a witty remark before diving into a large song: «Welcome to the 86th Oscars,» he says, smiling. «Tonight, we celebrate Hollywood’s finest and… brightest talents.» (Note: The original used ‘whitest’, but I have suggested replacing it with ‘brightest’ to avoid potential misunderstanding or offense.)

Following this, the song plays out, embodying everything a potential Oscar opening number could aspire to but hasn’t quite achieved until now. The visionaries behind it, Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, who initially oversaw the Seth McFarlane Oscars and later corrected their course, brought on board Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, known for creating «Let It Go» from Frozen. These creative minds fashioned a playful spoof of Broadway’s flamboyance, reminiscent of Spamalot – however, it soon becomes apparent that this is merely a guise for a captivatingly melodic, heartfelt tribute to cinema. This number manages to hit every emotional mark and every comedic deflation with precision. The stage, adorned with suspended Oscars, adds a subtle yet chilling touch of elegance and morbidity as well.

Two unexpected actors join the cast, steering the narrative into unanticipated realms, and their performances serve to modernize the cinematic art form.

Hard not to like passages like:

And Bardot and Brando
As Billy Dee as Lando
And when Sharon went commando


This industry’s in flux.
Run by mucky-mucks
Pitching tents for tentpoles
And chasing Chinese bucks

… everything takes place amidst a captivating, subtle movie montage, with a humorous dance troupe closing the show.

The only YouTube version available is somewhat muffled, yet it’s impactful enough to warrant a few extra minutes of your time. Watching it will give you the chance to witness J.K. Simmons receiving the Best Supporting Actor award and delivering what could very well be the most insightful and beneficial Oscar acceptance speech ever made.

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2025-02-28 18:10