Hades II выпускает патч 2 для раннего доступа

Hades II выпускает патч 2 для раннего доступа

Похоже, что Supergiant Games выпустила обновление для своей ролевой игры-рогалика Hades II, которое включает в себя различные настройки и исправления в нескольких категориях, таких как игровой процесс, графика и визуальные эффекты, музыка и звуковые эффекты, озвучка и повествование, разное и ошибки. исправления. Некоторые из заметных изменений включают уменьшение мигания или стробирования, добавление звуковых эффектов для определенных способностей, улучшенную совместимость контроллера и исправления проблем, связанных с конкретными способностями, событиями и персонажами. Обновление теперь доступно на ПК через Steam через ранний доступ, в будущем ожидается появление новых патчей.

Как заядлый геймер, я рад сообщить, что Supergiant Games только что выпустила второй патч раннего доступа для Hades II! Это уже второе крупное обновление игры.

На церемонии вручения наград The ​​Game Awards 2022 компания Supergiant Games представила свой предстоящий проект под названием Hades II, в котором используются значительные достижения их предыдущей игры Hades, получившей широкое признание в последние годы. После показа подтверждения от разработчиков стало известно, что Hades II выйдет во втором квартале 2024 года исключительно для ПК через Steam и Epic Games Store. Как и его предшественник, Hades II изначально выйдет в раннем доступе, что позволит игрокам опробовать раннюю сборку посредством технического теста. Наши первые мысли об игре можно узнать здесь.

Hades II Примечания к патчу 2 для раннего доступа

Hades II выпускает патч 2 для раннего доступа

Как заядлый поклонник Supergiant Games, я рад сообщить, что команда выпустила первое крупное обновление для Hades II. Основываясь на ценных отзывах игрового сообщества, этот патч содержит множество улучшений и дополнений.

General Gameplay

  • You now can encounter up to one additional Olympian each night (as in the previous game)
  • You now are likely to find one more Boon or other major reward while in Erebus
  • Increased invulnerability duration after your Death Defiance effects activate
  • Improved rewards of Ash and Psyche can now be found in Oceanus and Rift of Thessaly
  • You now can press-and-hold to harvest repeatedly from Crescent Pick Outcroppings
  • Toula should now stay closer to you in Encounters, especially in the Fields of Mourning
  • Nemesis no longer offers Death Defiance items if you do not need to refill the effect
  • Reduced Gold cost of Selene’s Boon when available in Charon’s Shop
  • Minor adjustments to the order in which Olympians may first appear early on
  • Normalized chances of finding Fishing Points in various regions

Nocturnal Arms and Abilities

  • Witch’s Staff

    • Special knocks foes away, but is slightly slower; Omega Special is faster.
  • Sister Blades

    • Special staggers standard foes longer; Attack visual FX better match the hitbox.
  • Umbral Flames

    • Attacks are stronger and faster; Omega Attack channels faster and uses less magick; Special gives a speed boost, but has reduced damage; Omega Special can be channeled while moving.
  • Moonstone Axe

    • reworked Special provides a lingering barrier; Omega Attack channels slightly faster; Omega Special channels faster.
  • Argent Skull

    • Omega Attack channels faster and hits a larger area.

Aspects of the Nocturnal Arms

  • Witch’s Staff (Circe)

    • adjusted activation and duration of Serenity effect; Serenity now adds Omega bonus damage that scales with this Aspect’s rank.
  • Witch’s Staff (Momus)

    • reworked; each of your Omega Moves automatically fires several times in succession from where you use them.
  • Sister Blades (Artemis)

    • you will Block again if the effect recharges while you are channeling; Block now takes priority over Dodge and similar effects.
  • Umbral Flames (Eos)

    • reworked; Omega Attack now fires a slow shot that occasionally creates damage blasts and also copies your Specials.
  • Moonstone Axe (Melinoë)

    • reworked; now adds Power and Max Life.
  • Moonstone Axe (Thanatos)

    • reworked; faster Attack adds Critical chance to Omega moves.
  • Argent Skull (Persephone)

    • you now earn Glory much faster, but only by using your Omega Cast; improved control responsiveness during Omega Special.


  • Moon Beam (Selene)

    • increased bonus to Path of Stars upgrades.

Daedalus Hammer Upgrades

  • Marauder Wallop (Staff)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Rapid Thrasher (Staff): new!

    • All your Attacks become faster
  • Double Wallop (Staff)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Wicked Thrasher (Staff): new!

    • All your Attacks gain bonus Power
  • Double Cataclysm (Staff)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Mirrored Thrasher (Staff): new!

    • All your Attacks hit twice, but you take more damage
  • Rapid Moonshot (Staff)

    • also affects Omega Special
  • Dual Moonshot (Staff)

    • also affects Omega Special; reduced range; renamed from Double Moonshot
  • Shimmering Moonshot (Staff)

    • also affects Omega Special
  • Aetheric Moonburst (Staff)

    • increased Magick restoration from Power Shots
  • Concentrated Flurry (Blades)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Melting Dart (Blades): new!

    • Your Special destroys a large percentage of a foe’s Armor
  • Flick Knives (Blades): new!

    • Your Dash-Strike also fires several Special knives in a fan pattern
  • Rapid Onslaught (Blades)

    • reworked to also affect Omega Attack; renamed from Marauder Slice
  • Hook Knives (Blades)

    • slightly reduced speed of knives returning to you
  • Furious Fire (Flames)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Mega Spark (Flames): new!

    • All your Attacks travel farther and deal more damage
  • Inverted Spark (Flames): new!

    • Dash to make shots from Attacks reverse direction and hit foes again
  • Leaden Spark (Flames): new!

    • Your Attacks knock foes away and have bonus Power
  • Sustained Spark (Flames)

    • also increases move speed, instead of reducing; formerly Sustained Fire
  • Melting Coil (Flames)

    • no longer fires straight; also affects Omega Special; formerly Melting Comet
  • Origin Coil (Flames)

    • also affects Omega Special
  • Rapid Slash (Axe)

    • reworked to also affect Omega Attack; renamed from Marauder Slash
  • Giga Cleaver (Axe)

    • removed two-stage channeling (it always double-fires but uses more Magick)
  • Dashing Heave (Axe)

    • removed damage bonus; instead, it now hits twice
  • Sidelong Crash (Skull)

    • cut from game; replaced with…
  • Mega Driver (Skull): new!

    • Your Specials travel farther and you take less damage while using them
  • Colossus Driver (Skull)

    • also affects Omega Special

Hexes of Selene

  • Wolf Howl

    • reduced Magick-spend requirement
  • Twilight Curse

    • greatly reduced Magick-spend requirement; reduced foes afflicted; reduced cast time
  • Night Bloom

    • reduced Magick-spend requirement, effect duration, bonus damage, and cast time
  • Lunar Ray

    • greatly reduced Magick-spend requirement; reduced damage; reduced cast time
  • Moon Water

    • slightly increased Magick-spend requirement; slightly reduced healing
  • Dark Side

    • slightly increased Magick-spend requirement

Foes & Encounters

  • Chronos

    • various fixes and adjustments; there should be fewer cases where he’s patently unfair
  • Infernal Cerberus

    • minor adjustments to some attack patterns in the first phase
  • Eris

    • grenade attacks no longer wildly bounce around
  • Polyphemus

    • reduced effectiveness of Mutant Sheep
  • Goldwrath

    • reduced accuracy and tracking of beam attack
  • Queen Lamia

    • slightly increased Armor; increased speed; other minor changes
  • Reed-Stalker

    • increased projectile speed and target distance; reduced rotation speed
  • Mourner

    • slightly increased rotation speed; slightly increased speed while attacking
  • Lamia

    • slightly increased life and Elite armor
  • Dire Shambler

    • reduced tracking speed between attacks
  • Hippo

    • self-destruct area should more closely match the visuals

Level Design & Environments

  • Driftwood resources are more common in the Rift of Thessaly (a further increase since last patch)
  • Burning Oil Slicks in the Rift of Thessaly will extinguish after Encounters, though may be reignited
  • Adjusted Oil Slicks in some locations in the Rift of Thessaly
  • Minor fixes to several locations

Fated List of Minor Prophecies

  • Clearing Original Sins no longer requires choosing the very rare Barren curse from Chaos.

Chaos Trials

  • Trial of Heartache

    • reduced difficulty and adjusted based on Aspect changes
  • Trial of Haste

    • reduced difficulty and adjusted based on Aspect changes

Oath of the Unseen

  • Vow of Forsaking

    • no longer helps ensure you quickly get Duo and Legendary Boons.

Menus & UI

  • Added many new UI icons for Keepsakes, Weapons, Well of Charon offerings, and more.
  • Insight Into Offerings (Cauldron) now also lets you check each Olympian’s list of offerings in the Book of Shadows while choosing their Boons (or the equivalent with other characters).

    • [/]With the prior change, adjusted default key binding for Rarify; some custom bindings have been reset.
  • Added a warning when you are down to your last use of Death Defiance.
  • Opening the Book of Shadows should show entries for nearby characters more reliably.
  • Removed the Unused Grasp notification when exiting the Altar of Ashes while at a high Grasp limit.
  • Adjusted input action bar layout at the bottom of the Boon Screen and similar.
  • Added borders to icons for Selene Hexes on the Gifts of the Moon screen.
  • Added informational pop-up when using F10 to report bugs.
  • Other minor changes.

Art & Visual FX

  • Reduced some full-screen flashing or strobing, such as from time-slow effects.

Music & SFX

  • Added SFX for when certain active abilities such as Serenity are ready to use.

Voice & Narrative

  • Unique voice lines should play more reliably when certain incantations are revealed in the Cauldron.
  • Added voice lines when using Phase Shift (Selene) vs. Chronos (or trying to…)
  • More voice lines should play when confiding in Frinos in certain contexts.


  • While brooding over the family portrait in the Crossroads, you may now snap out of it sooner.
  • You now can fully control the game using keyboard only if you rebind Attack and Special.
  • All timers now pause while in the presence of Charon.
  • An Anvil of Fates will no longer be offered in Tartarus if you have not found a Daedalus Hammer.
  • In the Hades Flashback, adjusted timing of hint for players who don’t realize they are in control
  • Reduced requirements for the incantation Power to Pause and Reflect to be revealed.
  • Melinoë now respawns in the center of her magick circle near her tent (she was a bit off before…)
  • Improved compatibility with more types of controllers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Double Up (Poseidon) sometimes doubling Mystery Boons; clarified description.
  • Fixed Nightmare resources dropping unexpectedly in Chaos Trials.
  • Fixed Omega moves occasionally becoming unresponsive after being chomped on by Polyphemus.
  • Fixed deadliest attack of Chronos occasionally hitting when Melinoë was in a supposedly safe point.
  • Fixed Umbral Flames Attack preventing Magick regeneration before channeling Omega Attack.
  • Fixed The Queen and Judgment (Arcana) appearing active while no others Arcana are active.
  • Fixed Hearth Gain (Hestia) no longer restoring Magick if chosen as a Sacrifice Boon.
  • Fixed certain later Oath Testaments for the Sister Blades sometimes not appearing as expected.
  • Fixed cases where you could go out of bounds using the Argent Skull in the battle vs. Chronos.
  • Fixed more cases of some visual effects vs. Chronos lingering between phases or after the fight
  • Fixed Toula unceremoniously vanishing after you vanquish Chronos.
  • Fixed additional issues with Sun Worshiper (Apollo).
  • Fixed additional issues with Dark Side (Selene).
  • Fixed additional issues with Twilight Curse (Selene).
  • Fixed a visual issue where Headmistress Hecate could appear to slide after snared by your Cast.
  • Fixed Spark of Ixion (Charon) causing a Chaos Gate to appear in “Asphodel?”
  • Fixed Golden Boughs sometimes not marking all available rewards in the Field of Mourning.
  • Fixed several narrative events that could play out of sequence.
  • Fixed Odysseus rather rudely walking away while in conversation with Nemesis.
  • Fixed Heracles sometimes leaping away forever.
  • Fixed Melinoë’s voice reverting during her return sequence despite certain Circe enchantments.
  • Fixed incorrect Echo portrait in the Book of Shadows.
  • Fixed incorrect music playing in some Chaos Trials, or not playing as intended in some instances.
  • Fixed rare cases of a looping sound playing indefinitely.
  • Fixed a rare instance when objectives in the Training Grounds could overlap.
  • Fixed several minor issues on the Victory Screen that shows when you prevail.
  • Fixed additional miscellaneous issues when playing in ultrawide resolutions.
  • Fixed a rare crash in which the effect of Winter Harvest (Demeter) could repeat forever.
  • Fixed various other rare crashes.
  • Fixed several text errors.
  • Other minor fixes.

В заключение отметим, что «Hades II» можно купить и играть на ПК через программу раннего доступа Steam. Ожидается, что Supergiant Games выпустит дальнейшие обновления для игры в ближайшем будущем.

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2024-06-05 05:16